Sat, Jul 5, 2014 - 25K - 02:30:00
25K World Cup Run Including Argentina Goal at Fanmeile
I took off on a hot, sunny Saturday afternoon not knowing where I was going to run, got out to IKEA via Attilastr. and then decided to cross the S-Bahn ring up up into Berlin and go north for awhile, found the Manteuffelstr. and headed all the way up to Potsdamer Platz then realized that the Argentina/Belgium game would be starting sooon, so cut up to the Fanmeile where the game was just starting, so I bought a beer and watched the game for 10 minutes, long enough to see Argentina score, at which point I threw my empty cup in the trash and kept running up north past the Reichstag and through the main train station, then off down Alt-Moabit. I was able to peek into Kneipes along the way to check on the score and at a few mini-public-viewings I stopped and watched the game for a couple minutes. I eventually crossed over the Spree again going south and found that I had crossed on the bridge where the Buchwald Konditorei is, which Mary had mentioned is one of the few bakeries which still bakes Baumkuchen, so stopped and had one at an outdoor table that they had, very nice. After that it was a long run home straight south, not so much sun anymore so less direct heat. That was a fun run and tour of Berlin with the added extra of enjoying the Argentina/Belgium game along the way. 
Had a beer at Brandenburg Gate and watched Argentina score against Belgium: 
Found the Buchwald Cafe-Konditorei that Mary mentioned: 
Had a Baumkuchen: 
Stopped to watch the game a bit more near Grips Theater, still 1-0: