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Notes on video lecture:
The Indian Rebellion of 1857 and Its Ramifications
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
disputes, fealty, Mughal, footprint, modernize, sepoys, Zafar, pig, 1850s, Lucknow, composite, Spanish, rebel, incumbant, wretched, brave, atrocities, cow, egalitarianism, Sikh, firm, execution, disease, crusade, rumor, Burma, spiritual, 1875, Enfield, Empress, grease, bombarded, bore, backbone, Protestant, Mujahideen, revolt
a mass upheaval in the           
with echos around the world
would bring down both
the East India Company
last of the              empires
the                rifle would play a staring role in the saga
pressures to                    faiths
accommodate rationalism into their explanations of the world
reconcile beliefs with new concepts of
also for religious authority
especially with the advent of                      missionaries dreaming of converting all those souls in India
they were less successful, however, in direct conversions than as appearing as a threat to the                    spirtiual authorities
compound pressures in India
resistance to religious authorities
resistance to political authorities
         frustrations finally exploded
spasm of unrest against colonialism came from within the army
the East Indian Company was actually able to field this army against its rivals
came from one sector within the army called the             
the location of the upheavals were in the areas in which the East Indian Company had established its deepest roots
special trained British units of the Indian army at the service of the East India Company
the local agents of control for the         
lead to the upheaval of 1857 which was called the Indian Mutiny
the countryside was in revolt against British control
in trying to compete with growing competition, the East India Company began to extract more resources than the Mughals had ever done
the hot spots were generally where the company had a                   
                 over land as many Indian peasants were being disposed
the immediate precipitant for the uprising was the Enfield rifle
             had to be used to get the cartridges down the barrel
the difficulty of the musket was range and accuracy
the difficulty for the Enfield rifle was to get the ballistic down in through the          in this grooved barrel
the            spread that the grease which was to be used to get the bullet into the rifle was made of        fat
this was of course an affront to Muslim sepoys whose belief system prohibited the contact with pig fat
if it would have been        fat it would have been an affront to the Hindus
in fact it was false, the grease was not made out of fat at all
but British officers did nothing to allay the fears on the part of the soldiers that they were being asked to do something that was in violation of their                    beliefs
there were other problems
low pay
                 conditions of troops
led to a march of 300 sepoys to Dehli in May of 1857
called to the last Mughal ruler, Bahadur Shah II (          ), to be their leader to lead a struggle to drive the British from India
they massacred a set of Christians on their way to               
this gave way to a whole sale             
thousands of sepoys flocked to Dehli to join in the uprising
soon the movement bore all the hallmarks of a Jihadist movement against British authority, the ulama priests blessed the rebels, mosques filled with rebels who prayed, and who called themselves the                     , Islamic warriors to defend a new moral order, a return to the old days in which India was ruled by an emperor who believed in the Holy Script
the result was
                   of people
behind the lines were simmering conflicts between Hindus and Muslims
British responded with reprisals which were equally as vicious
sporting their brand new weapon,the Enfield rifle
many aspects of the British repression took on aspects of a Christian                killing infidels as a response to the massacres of Christians
letting          soldiers engage in public atrocities and torture
this uprising was beneficial for the Sikhs, as their loyalty and fighting tenacity made them the                  of recruitment for the British Indian Army
teeming with               
heart of the revolt
the sepoys were remarkably            but in the end, no match for the artillery and fire power that the British were able to yield
Zafar had tried to broker a peace but he was a reluctant            from the beginning
1858 tried for treason and mutiny
sent him into exile to           
1862 died of disease
left behind simmering dislike and resentment towards the British
a simmering enmity between various religious orders that the Mughal empire was once able to accommodate more or less in its                    structure
balancing Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths
home in Britain
faced with the                      that were committed, they British government knew they had to change the way they ruled India, now in the absence of an emperor
to prevent further revolt
1858 The Act for the Better Government of India
made India formerly part of the British Empire
1877 Benjamin Disraeli, Conservative Prime Minister, had Queen Victoria proclaimed as                of India, a gesture to link the monarchy with the empire further and bind India more closely to Britain.
princes and nobles summoned to the plain of Delhi where last Mughal Empire was destroyed, to declare their loyalty and              to a new imperial sovereign
India was now a formal colony ruled by a viceroy as did the                in Mexico after 1521


sepoy, n. derived from the Persian word sepāhī, was formerly the designation given to an Indian soldier in the Mughal Empire, yet its most common application historically was the term used by the British East India Company for an infantry private, special trained Indian native British units at the service of the East India Company to service as the local agents of control for the firm, their uprising in 1850s led to what is known as the Indian Mutiny of 1857.

Spelling Corrections:

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1919 Self-Determination Movements in India
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1918-1945 Rethinking Economies