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My Notes on Massive Open Online Course:
Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis
This course will help you take the first steps toward understanding the physiological process of wine tasting. The first module will explore types of wine and help you set up your own tasting. You’ll also begin to build a sensory vocabulary. In module 2 you will review classic wine types of the world and set up flights of specific wines. Later we’ll examine the various faults and defects that can appear in wine as well as techniques for spotting problems. In week 4 we’ll delve into the complex world of wine and food pairings, and its “seven deadly sins.” The course will culminate in a peer review project in which you will apply the knowledge and sensory techniques you have developed throughout the course to assess a specific wine.
Notes on 1 Lectures I Watched in This Course:
The Sensory Experience of Wine
1 People I Have Learned About in this Course:
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850)
French chemist and physicist known mainly for his discovery that water is made of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, together with Alexander von Humboldt
  • produced the degrees Gay-Lussac used to measure alcoholic beverages in many countries
  • in 1802 he formulated the law, Gay-Lussac's Law, stating that if the mass and volume of a gas are held constant then gas pressure increases linearly as the temperature rises
  • in 1804 he and Jean-Baptiste Biot made a hot-air balloon ascent to a height of 7,016 meters in an early investigation of the Earth's atmosphere, collecting samples of the air at different heights to record differences in temperature and moisture
  • in 1808 he was the co-discoverer of the element boron together with Louis Jacques Thénard and Sir Humphry Davy.
  • In Paris, Rue Gay-Lussac lies between the Palais du Luxembourg and the Sorbonne