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Since January 1, 2014
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My Notes on Massive Open Online Course:
Reason and Persuasion Through Plato's Dialogues
In this course we will study Plato's ancient art of blowing up your beliefs as you go, to make sure they're built to last. We spend six weeks studying three Platonic dialogues, then two more weeks pondering a pair of footnotes to Plato; that is, we will consider some contemporary manifestations of issues Plato discusses. Our focus will be: moral theory and moral psychology.
Notes on 6 Lectures I Watched in This Course:
Euthyphro and the Bad Dad
Plato, Socrates, Dialogues, and Masks
Alcibiades on Socrates
The Divided Line
Socrates and The Apology
Socrates' Approach to Argumentation