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Notes on video lecture:
18th Century Tea Trade, Leisure Time, and the Spread of Knowledge
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Royal, distant, Eurasia, Pacific, leisure, saw, supply, science, Diderot, secrets, European, Cook, larger, monopoly, Enlightenment, news, powerful, booming, commodity, coffee, heroic, sugar, kangaroo, Buddhist, person, Hawaii, connections, scattered, peoples, sphere, world, Asia, ordination, inner, books, tropical
17th century
spaces in Afro-               began to be filled in by competing empires
colonization of                lands increased this velocity
particularly after:
1644 China: beginning of Qing dynasty
1648 Europe: signing of the Peace of Westphalia
regimes resolved            conflicts, but this intensified the external conflicts with other empires
led to a shift in the way peoples        each other
e.g. the product: tea
unique since it was a                  commodity such as coffee or sugar, but its major source was not in the New World
only produced in a few places in         
China enjoyed for a time a                  in tea exports for global consumption
shipped out of China by                  monks
they knew the characteristics of tea, e.g. to allow them to stay awake at night learning for their own                      exams
they guarded the                of tea production very carefully
they controlled              which insured that tea was not cheap, because a prestige good
by 18th century, tea exports in China were               
one pound of tea was being imported to England per             
how is tea relevant in the way peoples saw each other:
to think like a global historian is to consider                        that at first may not seem like they have an obvious connection with each other
what was the connection between a tropical                    like tea, and intellectual transformations that went on in another part of the world
tea was intimately related to the birth of                time
the tea house
like the              house, the tea house was accompanied by the gathering of men who exchanged the          of the day, read books, circulated magazines, and talked about ideas, discoveries, science, and other people and peoples
it was the tea house and the activities that went on inside and around it that was associated most closely with the birth of the public             , and from this forum will spring new ideas
one of these sets of ideas we call the                            and it was nurtured by the cocktail of these newly globally imported commodities of tea, and coffee and           
this widespread circulation of knowledge and ideas led to the concept of global               
areas such as China and India would be drawn increasingly into a                  orbit
changed the core of Europe by creating new sources of wealth and power
the production of           
became articles that people would produce and sell in the market place
a press revolution
              's encyclopedie
28 volumes
a phenomenon of the ages
the beginning of the mass production of books
the commodification and circulation of knowledge itself
division of labor to produce books
lowered the cost of magazines and books to fuel this print revolution
claimed to collect "all the knowledge                    over the face of the earth"
book-lending clubs
now sailing voyages to the New World had a different purpose
not as de Gama in the late 15th century, to sail into Calcutta in order to skim the wealth off of another                  society
18th century voyages were launched increasingly to study other places, biology, zoology and the                who who lived in those places
they were scientific expeditions to understand the           
to bring home knowledge for mass consumption and commodified
e.g. Captain James         
galvanized the European imagination as the              scientist
sponsored by the            Society
new species, exotic animals, plants, bugs
what the giraffe once was to Chinese, the                  was to 18th century British biologists and zoologists
Cook also brought back people, natives, particularly in the South               
ran into problems with             , where he tried to take local chieftains back but was attacked and killed by the local natives
Cook was only an example of a              pattern of Europeans to reach out into the world and study it, to systematize knowledge and classify it into categories


######################### (1728-1779)
British explorer, navigator, cartographer, achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian islands
  • captain in the Royal Navy
  • three voyages

Spelling Corrections:

Columbus and the New World
1500-1700 Indian Ocean Trading system
Da Gama, Pepper and World History
Portuguese Indian Ocean Empire
16th Century Colonialism Fueling European Violence
Global Food: European Sugar, Caribbean Plantations, African Slaves
16th and 17th Century Merchant Trading Companies
17th Century Interdependence of Trade and Investment
Francis Drake and Mercantilist Wars
The Apex and Erosion of the Mughal Empire
The Treaty of Westphalia as the Hinge of Modern History
The Influence of Silver on the Ming Dynasty
Political Reverberations of Ming Consolidation
18th China Resurgent as Qing Dynasty
18th Century Tea Trade, Leisure Time, and the Spread of Knowledge
Cook and Clive: Discoverers, Collectors and Conquerors of the Enlightenment
Strains on the Universality of the Enlightenment
The Enlightenment, Empire, and Colonization: Burke vs. Hastings
Enlightenment or Empire
18th Century Land Grabbing
The Industrial Revolution and the Transition of Non-Renewable Energy
The Seven Years' War and Colonial Revolutions
Napoleon, Spain, the Colonies, and Imperial Crises
Human Rights and the Meaning of Membership within Societies
Napoleon, New Nations, and Total War
The Ottoman Empire's 19th Century Tanzimat Reform
The Early 19th Century Market Revolution
The Global Upheavals of the Mid-19th Century
The Train, the Rifle, and the Industrial Revolution
Transition in India: Last of the Mughals
The Indian Rebellion of 1857 and Its Ramifications
Darwin's Effect on 19th Century Ideas
Factors Which Led to the Solidifying of Nation States
1868 Japan: The Meiji Restoration
1871: Germany Becomes a Nation
North American Nation-Building
19th Century Changing Concepts of Labor
The Benefits of Comparative Advantage
Migration after the Age of Revolutions
Creating 19th Century Global Free Trade
The Expanding 19th Century Capitalist System
The Second Industrial Revolution
The Closing of the American Frontier
Africa's Second Imperial Wave
Early 20th Century American Imperialism
1894-1905: Japan's Imperial Wave in Asia
Rashid Rida and 19th Century Islamic Modernization
19th Century Pan-Islam and Zionism Movements
19th Century Global Export-Led Growth
Indian Wars and Mass Slaughter of Bison
The Suez Canal's Effect on the Malayan Tiger
1890-1914: Savage Wars of Peace
1900-1909: Russian and Turkish Dynasties
1899-1911 The End of the Qing Dynasty
The 1910 Mexican Revolution
The Panic of 1907
Turn-of-the-Century Civilization and its Discontents
20th Century Questioning of Reason
Late 19th Century Anxieties of Race
The First World War
The End of WWI and the Attempt at Global Peace
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919
The Wilson-Lenin Moment
1919 Self-Determination Movements in India
Post-WWI European Peace and Global Colonial Upheaval
1929 Economic Collapse
Changes in Capitalism between the Wars
1918-1945 Rethinking Economies