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Since January 1, 2014
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My Notes on Massive Open Online Course:
The Rise of Superheroes and Their Impact On Pop Culture
The ancient gods of Egyptian, Greek and Roman myths still exist, but today, they have superpowers, human foibles and secret identities. They come from comic books and graphic novels, and have taken over pop culture on the stage, screen, video games, and animation. From Superman and Spider-Man, to The Avengers and The Hulk and beyond, who are these heroes? And, how have they evolved from folklore and myth, across all cultures and religions?
Notes on 9 Lectures I Watched in This Course:
1930s: The Origin of the American Comic Book
1938: The Birth of Superman
The People Behind the Golden Age of Comic Books
Patriotic Superheroes
Comic Books after World War II
Comic Books in the McCarthy Era
1954: Fredric Wertham's Impact on the Comic Book Industry
1960s: The Silver Age of Comics
The Bronze Age of Comics and the Genre of Relevancy