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Notes on video lecture:
Indian Wars and Mass Slaughter of Bison
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
extinct, machines, mass, vacant, belts, global, Jungle, bovine, 1890, doubled, bison, herds, Plains, bore, Peace, Europeans, industrial, perforate, Elliot, land, Arizona, longer, Comanches, commodity, slaughtered, photographia, indigenous, hides, Chicago, felled, West
after the U.S. Civil War resolved the conflict between the South and the North
United States turned its sights to the         
1867 Indian            Commission
under the leadership of Major Joel             
signed treaties with the Cheyennes,              Apaches, Comanches, Arapahos, and Kiowas
major reservations were established in present-day South Dakota, Oklahoma, and               
1860 to          reservation lands came under extreme pressure from white settlers, leading to increased conflict
at the edge of this pressure were
the cattlemen
moved into and used these perceived-to-be              territories
newly arriving Americans and                    moved into the West
bison were important for sustenance for meat and            for the indigenous survival
Comanche populations
the arrival of                          captured images of Comancheria
not just military pressure on the                   
ecological pressure as well
the effect on the bison would in turn have an effect on the                      people
the Comanches would have decreasing access to this important ingredient for their own survival
a clash between                      peoples and nomadic peoples
the assault on the            took on industrial proportions for industrial ends
became a war of humans against animals fought with industrial weapons
conducted on a          scale
because there was rising demand for hides for industrial consumption
hides were important because it was out of hides that you got leather           
not the kind of leather belts that people wear, but leather belts to drive large                 
between 1850 and 1900 the price of leather               
and while the demand for leather rose, so did the supply, since the large          rifle was developed during this time
delivered greater accuracy and ballistic impact from a              distance
so that you could                    the thick hide of a bison and bring the animal down
hunting expeditions, if you can call them that, were systematically organized, and bison were                        in the millions
hunters took down as many bison as they could
left them lying in the fields to die
and continue following the            to take down as many as he could
1878: 40,000 buffalo hides
Orlando Brown              6,000 bison in two months
small armies of men would move out into the plain pursuing the animals
by the 1880s the bison were almost               
Indians waged mostly futile resistance
Cherokee faced starvation
cities would emerge on the Great Plains to transform them
               became gateway to the American West
cattle ranching took the place of the bison
shipped to meat slaughter houses in Chicago
1906 "The             " - Upton Sinclair
the land was being inducted into a more              system
Chicago became the              capital of the world


feral, adj. in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication  "There was a careful, managed balance of forces between Indian peoples and native, feral herds"
equipoise, n. balance of forces or interests  "As the bison were slaughtered and removed from the Great Plains, they were replaced by cattle and cattle ranching, and cities began to emerge on the plains to induct them into a national economic system, Chicago becoming in a sense the bovine capital of the world defining a new balance in the relationship between the city and the country each specializing in a task in relationship to other regions. Humans had coexisted with this macrofauna for centuries if not millennia, but the intensification of land use for commodity production upset this delicate equipoise."

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

Lost American empires, via tonight's History Since 1300 class:

"Comancheria is the name commonly given to the region of New Mexico, west Texas and nearby areas occupied by the Comanche before the 1860s. Before the Comanche expanded out of present-day Wyoming in the early eighteenth century, the lands now known as Comancheria was home to a multitude of tribes—most notably the Apaches. Much of the region had previously been known as Apachería. But from the 1750s to the 1850s, the Comanches gradually became the dominant group in the Southwest.

Confronted with Spanish, Mexican, and American outposts on their periphery in New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Mexico, they worked to increase their own safety, prosperity and power. The Comanches used their military power to obtain supplies and labor from the Americans, Mexicans, and Indians through thievery, tribute, and kidnappings.

Although powered by violence, the Comanche empire was primarily an economic construction, rooted in an extensive commercial network that facilitated long-distance trade. Dealing with subordinate Indians, the Comanche spread their language and culture across the region. Their empire collapsed when their villages were repeatedly decimated by epidemics of smallpox and cholera in the late 1840s, after which the population plunged from 20,000 to just a few thousand by the 1870s."
19th century industrial warfare on animals, via this morning's History Since 1300 course:

"As the 19th century progressed, the assault on the bison took on industrial proportions for industrial ends. It became a war of humans against animals fought with industrial weapons for industrial purposes, conducted on an industrial scale.

While the decimation of these animals also happened to achieve the political aim for the United States to expand westward by decreasing access of the bison to the Native Americans, the primary driving force of this war was the rising demand for leather.

Hides were needed for industrial consumption because it was from hides that you got leather belts, not the kind of leather belts that people wear, but the kind of leather belts that drive large machines. Between 1850 and 1900 the price of leather doubled for this reason.

Not only demand for leather rose, but so did the supply, since the large bore rifle was developed during this time which delivered greater accuracy and ballistic impact from a longer distance so that one could much more easily perforate the thick hide of a bison from a safe distance and bring the animal down.

Hunting expeditions, if you can call them that, were systematically organized, and American bison living in their natural habitat were slaughtered by the millions."
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Early 20th Century American Imperialism
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Indian Wars and Mass Slaughter of Bison
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Changes in Capitalism between the Wars
1918-1945 Rethinking Economies