Lectures Watched
Since January 1, 2014
Since January 1, 2014
- A History of the World since 1300 (68)
- History of Rock, 1970-Present (50)
- A Brief History of Humankind (48)
- Chinese Thought: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science (35)
- The Modern World: Global History since 1760 (35)
- The Bible's Prehistory, Purpose, and Political Future (28)
- Introduction aux éthiques philosophiques (27)
- Jesus in Scripture and Tradition (25)
- Roman Architecture (25)
- Sexing the Canvas: Art and Gender (23)
- Descubriendo la pintura europea de 1400 a 1800 (22)
- Introduction aux droits de l'homme (19)
- Buddhism and Modern Psychology (18)
- Calvin: Histoire et réception d'une Réforme (17)
- The Ancient Greeks (16)
- À la découverte du théâtre classique français (15)
- The French Revolution (15)
- Letters of the Apostle Paul (14)
- Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases (14)
- Christianisme et philosophie dans l'Antiquité (14)
- Egiptología (12)
- Western Music History through Performance (10)
- The Rise of Superheroes and Their Impact On Pop Culture (9)
- The Great War and Modern Philosophy (9)
- Alexander the Great (9)
- Greek and Roman Mythology (9)
- Human Evolution: Past and Future (9)
- Phenomenology and the Conscious Mind (9)
- Masterpieces of World Literature (8)
- Villes africaines: la planification urbaine (8)
- Greeks at War: Homer at Troy (7)
- Pensamiento Científico (7)
- MongoDB for Node.js Developers (7)
- Fundamentos de la escritura en español (7)
- Introduction to Psychology (7)
- Programming Mobile Applications for Android (7)
- The Rooseveltian Century (6)
- Karl der Große - Pater Europae (6)
- Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts (6)
- Reason and Persuasion Through Plato's Dialogues (6)
- The Emergence of the Modern Middle East (6)
- A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior (6)
- Lingua e cultura italiana: avanzata (6)
- L'avenir de la décision : connaître et agir en complexité (5)
- Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity (5)
- Dinosaur Paleobiology (5)
- Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas (5)
- War for the Greater Middle East (4)
- Emergence of Life (4)
- Introduction to Public Speaking (4)
- The Kennedy Half Century (4)
- Problèmes métaphysiques à l'épreuve de la politique, 1943-1968 (4)
- Designing Cities (4)
- Western Civilization: Ancient and Medieval Europe (3)
- Paleontology: Early Vertebrate Evolution (3)
- Orientierung Geschichte (3)
- Moons of Our Solar System (3)
- Introduction à la philosophie de Friedrich Nietzsche (3)
- Devenir entrepreneur du changement (3)
- La Commedia di Dante (3)
- History of Rock and Roll, Part One (3)
- Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life (3)
- Initiation à la programmation en Java (3)
- La visione del mondo della Relatività e della Meccanica Quantistica (3)
- The Music of the Beatles (3)
- Analyzing the Universe (3)
- Découvrir l'anthropologie (3)
- Postwar Abstract Painting (3)
- The Science of Religion (2)
- La Philanthropie : Comprendre et Agir (2)
- Highlights of Modern Astronomy (2)
- Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know (2)
- The Changing Landscape of Ancient Rome (2)
- Lingua e letteratura in italiano (2)
- Gestion des aires protégées en Afrique (2)
- Géopolitique de l'Europe (2)
- Introduction à la programmation en C++ (2)
- Découvrir la science politique (2)
- Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and Processes (2)
- The European Discovery of China (2)
- Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication (2)
- Philosophy and the Sciences (2)
- Søren Kierkegaard: Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity (2)
- The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem (2)
- The Science of Gastronomy (2)
- Galaxies and Cosmology (2)
- Introduction to Classical Music (2)
- Art History for Artists, Animators and Gamers (2)
- L'art des structures 1 : Câbles et arcs (2)
- Russian History: from Lenin to Putin (2)
- The World of Wine (1)
- Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis (1)
- William Wordsworth: Poetry, People and Place (1)
- The Talmud: A Methodological Introduction (1)
- Switzerland in Europe (1)
- The World of the String Quartet (1)
- Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring (1)
- El Mediterráneo del Renacimiento a la Ilustración (1)
- Science of Exercise (1)
- Социокультурные аспекты социальной робототехники (1)
- Russian History: from Lenin to Putin (1)
- The Rise of China (1)
- The Renaissance and Baroque City (1)
- Visualizing Postwar Tokyo (1)
- In the Night Sky: Orion (1)
- Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions (1)
- The Biology of Music (1)
- Mountains 101 (1)
- Moral Foundations of Politics (1)
- Mobilité et urbanisme (1)
- Introduction to Mathematical Thinking (1)
- Making Sense of News (1)
- Magic in the Middle Ages (1)
- Introduction to Italian Opera (1)
- Intellectual Humility (1)
- The Computing Technology Inside Your Smartphone (1)
- Human Origins (1)
- Miracles of Human Language (1)
- From Goddard to Apollo: The History of Rockets (1)
- Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales (1)
- Handel’s Messiah and Baroque Oratorio (1)
- Theater and Globalization (1)
- Gestion et Politique de l'eau (1)
- Une introduction à la géographicité (1)
- Frontières en tous genres (1)
- Créer et développer une startup technologique (1)
- Découvrir le marketing (1)
- Escribir para Convencer (1)
- Anthropology of Current World Issues (1)
- Poetry in America: Whitman (1)
- Introducción a la genética y la evolución (1)
- Shakespeare: On the Page and in Performance (1)
- The Civil War and Reconstruction (1)
- Dinosaur Ecosystems (1)
- Développement durable (1)
- Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us (1)
- Imagining Other Earths (1)
- Learning How to Learn (1)
- Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics (1)
- Web Intelligence and Big Data (1)
- Andy Warhol (1)
- Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life (1)
- Practicing Tolerance in a Religious Society (1)
- Subsistence Marketplaces (1)
- Physique générale - mécanique (1)
- Exercise Physiology: Understanding the Athlete Within (1)
- Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (1)
- What Managers Can Learn from Great Philosophers (1)
- A la recherche du Grand Paris (1)
- The New Nordic Diet (1)
- A New History for a New China, 1700-2000 (1)
- The Magna Carta and its Legacy (1)
- The Age of Jefferson (1)
- History and Future of Higher Education (1)
- Éléments de Géomatique (1)
- 21st Century American Foreign Policy (1)
- The Law of the European Union (1)
- Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society (1)
- Introduction to Data Science (1)
- Configuring the World (1)
- From the Big Bang to Dark Energy (1)
- Animal Behaviour (1)
- Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems (1)
- The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art (1)
- Care of Elders with Alzheimer's Disease (1)
- Contagious: How Things Catch On (1)
- Constitutional Law - The Structure of Government (1)
- Narratives of Nonviolence in the American Civil Rights Movement (1)
- Christianity: From Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200-1650) (1)
- Age of Cathedrals (1)
- Controversies of British Imperialism (1)
- Big History: From the Big Bang until Today (1)
- Bemerkenswerte Menschen (1)
- The Art of Poetry (1)
- Superpowers of the Ancient World: the Near East (1)
- America Through Foreign Eyes (1)
- Advertising and Society (1)
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My Notes on Massive Open Online Course:
Découvrir l'anthropologie
Expérimentez un autre regard sur les sociétés humaines avec des chercheurs en anthropologie prospective.
Notes on 3 Lectures I Watched in This Course:
79 Flashcards I Recorded in this Course:
pr. la science anthropologique est de fait, avant tout
[de FETT]
preconceived ideas
idées toutes faites
there would be the idea that
il y aurait l'idée que
depending on
selon qu'on soit
est atteinte par l'observation rigoureuse
est atteinte par l'observation rigoureuse
the ethnographic data collection
la récolte de données ethnographiques
knowledge based on data collected over a long period
les connaissances en se fondant sur ces données récoltées sur la longue durée
in order to bring out
afin d'en faire émerger
makes remarks, in a sense, verifiable
rend les propos, dans un certain sens, vérifiables
I will mention a few of them
J'en citerai quelques-uns
leads us to build things
nous amener à construire les choses
the collected data
les données récoltées
who are holders of strategic information
qui sont détenteurs d'informations stratégiques
relative to its immersion
par rapport à son immersion
Finally after awhile one will arrive
Et enfin au bout d'un moment on va arriver
the field becomes exhausted
le terrain s'épuise
we will enter a writing phase
on va rentrer dans une phase d'écriture
to report what was actually observed
de comptes rendus en fait de ce qui a été observé
whatever they are
quels qu'ils soient
in the part of this module
dans le cadre de ce module
it refers primarily to the debate about the transformations
il renvoie premièrement au débat sur les transformations
not everything revolves around this
tout ne tourne pas autour de lui
to be forgotten
de se faire oublier
to erase
de gommer
and is still taken into account in the analysis
est encore d'en tenir compte dans l'analyse
in the context of investigations
dans le cadre des enquêtes
as well as their affects and implications
ainsi qu'à celle des affects et de leur incidence
this condition is interconnected with the person
cette affectation est interreliée à la personne
sometimes unbeknownst to us
parfois à notre insu
we conduct research
nous menons nos recherches
On the other hand
D'autre part
to experience, to receive, to meet
ressentir, recevoir, rencontrer
often prove to be the key
se révèlent souvent être des clés
some extremely important issues
certains enjeux extrêmement importants
to be attentive to emotional upheaval
être à l'écoute des chamboulements émotionnels
investigative situations
les situations d'enquête
in the sense of knowledge gained through forged relationships
en le sens de connaissance acquise par l'intermédiaire des relations nouées
in a context of progressive confidence that engages
dans un cadre de confiance progressif qui engage
is either unattainable
est en soit impossible à atteindre
since then
Dès lors
to take into account the impact of the individual researcher
de tenir compte de l'incidence de la personne du chercheur
that emerge from our person
qui se dégagent de notre personne
les rencontres
woven relationships
les relations tissées
This approach encourages us to go beyond the obvious
Cette démarche enjoint à aller au-delà des évidences
ours as well as those of our partners
les nôtres tout comme ceux de nos interlocuteurs
but also our own faults and our quests
mais aussi nos propres failles ainsi que nos quêtes
it's important to be aware of the part
il importe donc de prendre conscience de la part
interpretation of the data collection
interprétation dès le recueil des données
Especially since it is a profession
D'autant que c'est un métier
in which we are exposed
dans lequel on s'expose
the awareness of the inherent subjectivity
la conscience de l’inhérente part de subjectivité
requires a rigorously qualitative approach
exige une démarche qualitative rigoureuse
based on a long and involved presence
qui repose sur une présence longue et impliquée
with attention to detail
avec le souci du détail
the field notebook
Le carnet de terrain
the data is recorded
les données sont consignées
that keeps track of our paths
qui garde la trace de nos cheminements
maximum excerpts from interviews
un maximum d’extraits d'entretiens
divided into three stages
découpée en trois étapes
separate processes
processus distincts
The ethnographic approach
La démarche ethnographique
The field survey
L'enquête de terrain
account for the point of view
rendre compte du point de vue
their ordinary lives
leur vécu ordinaire
in any investigation process
dans toute démarche d'enquête
magic square
carré magique
th adequacy
se frotte
is doing just as much
se porte tout autant
to move
se décaler
the notebooks
les cahiers
gradual shift
basculement progressif
the approach
la démarche
the collection of data
le recueil des données
the concern
le souci