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Since January 1, 2014
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My Notes on Massive Open Online Course:
Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life
The Origins course tracks the origin of all things – from the Big Bang to the origin of the Solar System and the Earth. The course follows the evolution of life on our planet through deep geological time to present life forms.
Notes on 3 Lectures I Watched in This Course:
Examining the Agpalilik Meteorite
Nuclear Synthesis: The Origins of Elements in Our Solar System
The Origin of Solar Systems
1 Vocabulary Words I Learned in this Course:
chondrule, n. From the Ancient Greek χόνδρος, or grain, chondrules are round grains found in chondrites, which themselves are stony, non-metallic meteorites that have not been modified due to melting or differentiation of the parent body. Chondrules form as molten or partially molten droplets in space before being accreted to their parent asteroids. Because chondrites represent one of the oldest solid materials within the Solar System and are believed to be the building blocks of the planetary system, it follows that an understanding of the formation of chondrules is important to understand the initial development of the planetary system.  "Further out in the disc which is moving in a swirling motion around the star, we find millimeter to submillimeter-size silicate spheres known as chondrules, which seem to chrystillize from freely mobile molten droplets."