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Notes on video lecture:
Punk Goes Hardcore
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
riot, underground, Around, melodic, CBGB, distorted, independent, alcohol, Blondie, Ramones, screamed, short, Sex, Sucks, McLaren, change, political, punk, Saturday, Wave, Bastards
punk arose from an                        scene in New York
you had to be at          to know that it was there
some elements of that, especially the music of the               , translated into a UK scene
Malcolm                put together the Sex Pistols
the bands in New York profited from this
by the end of the 1970s, groups like Talking Heads and                were having pretty good success
the American industry had recast punk as New         
taking the danger, the anger out of the music and turned it into an aesthetic protest instead of a                    protest
punk went underground
an 80s scene developed which is often called Hard Core Punk
developed out of the music of the Ramones and        Pistols
loud, fast, and aggressive music
with a D.I.Y. aesthetic
bands starting their own record labels and distributing and distributing those records through small,                        record stores in local and regional areas
three local punk scenes
1. Los Angeles
the discontented youth idea of the 1970s
hard to understand what they were discontented about
The Decline of Western Civilization (1980)
Penelope Spheeris
documentary of the          scene in Los Angeles
led by Lee Ving
appeared on                  Night Live
"New York's Alright If You Like Saxophones"
during the performance they shout "New York           "
members of the audience started slam dancing
they faded to commercial because they were afraid that a          was breaking about
Black Flag
Greg Ginn
formed their own label, SST
released theirs and other's music
1978: Nervous Breakdown
profane lyrics about youthful alienation
songs are very           
entire EP last about 5 minutes
1981 Damaged
1981 The Punch Line
2. Washington D.C. / New York
different attitudes than in L.A.
more intellectual attitude toward political             
less angry ranting and more of a refined discourse
some groups anti-drug and anti-              
Bad Brains
all African-American band
1982 Bad Brains
moved to New York
Teen Idles
Ian MacKaye
Minor Threat
1981 In My Eyes
3. Minneanapolis / St. Paul
less angry on the surface
attracted a larger audience
The Replacements
Paul Westerberg
1979 formed
1983 Hootenanny
Twin/Tone label
"Color Me Impressed"
1985 "                 of Young"
Hüsker Dü
1984 Zen Arcade
had videos
1985 "Makes No Sense At All"
"Love Is All             "
became the Mary Tyler Moore theme song

Ideas and Concepts:

1980s punk heart-throb via tonight's History of Rock and Roll class: "Best rendition of Mary Tyler Moore's theme song Love is All Around, even better than Hüsker Dü's apparent original, with lead singer Joan Jett, memorable to any guy who came to age in the 1980s."
1970s: Hippie Aesthetic, Corporate Rock, Disco, and Punk
British Blues-Based Bands and the Roots of Heavy Metal
American Blues Rock and Southern Rock
The Era of Progressive Rock
Jazz Rock in the 70s
Theatrical Rock: KISS, Bowie, and Alice Cooper
American Singer-Songwriters of the 70s
British and Canadian Singer-Songwriters
Country Rock's Influence on 1970s Music
Black Pop in the 1970s
Sly Stone and His Influence on Black Pop, Funk, and Psychedelic Soul
Motown in the 1970s
Philadelphia Sound and Soul Train
Blaxploitation Soundtracks
The Uniqueness of James Brown
Bob Marley and the Rise of Reggae
The Backlash Against Disco
1975-1980: The Rise of the Mega-Αlbum
Continuity Bands in the 1970s
Rock and Roll in the Second Half of the 1970s
U.S. Punk 1967-1975
1974-77: Punk in the UK
American New Wave 1977-80
British New Wave 1977-80
The Hippie Aesthetic: 1966-1980
The Rise of MTV
Michael Jackson: MTV's Unexpected Boon
Madonna as Disruptive Shock Artist
Prince and Janet Jackson
Other Groups Who Benefited from MTV
1980s New Traditionalists and New Wave
1980s New Acts, Old Styles and Blue-Eyed Soul
1970s Progressive Rock Adapts to the 80s
1980's Heavy Metal
1980s Heavy Metal and L.A. Hair Bands
1980s Ambitious Heavy Metal
The Beginning of Rap
1980s: Rap Crosses Over to Mainstream
Late 1980s Hard Core Rap
Punk Goes Hardcore
Late 80s Indie Rock Underground
1990s: The Rise of Alternative Rock
1990s Indie Rock and the Question of Selling Out
1990s Metal and Alternative Extensions
Hip-Hop in the 1990s
Classic Rock of the 1990s
1990s Jam Bands and Britpop
Female Singer-Songwriters of the 1990s
The Rise of Teen Idols in the 1990s
1990s Dance Music