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Notes on video lecture:
1990s Metal and Alternative Extensions
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
conformity, screaming, taped, Gristle, Peachy, Machine, extended, gothic, Rap, house, California, horror, conformity, Detroit, Morello, ban, British, political, grotesque, female, Three, Jazz, Spiral
ways in which heavy metal and alternative were                  in the 1990s
fusion of        and Rock
you would often have a rock band, but the singer would rap the lyrics, sometimes singing some of them, sometimes                    some of them
Rage Against the               
helped this rap into rock transformation take hold
Los Angeles
blending hard-driving rock with mostly rapped vocals
inventive guitar playing of Tom               
the rapping coming from Zack de la Rocha
influenced by groups like
Faith No More
Red Hot Chili Peppers
in the way they used grooves in the music
1992 Rage Against the Machine
blueprint of what the group was going to be
a dedication to                    causes
1996 Evil Empire
breakthrough, #1 in the United States
make one of their trademarks was the 7-string electric guitar
not the first
used by          players to give more range under a single grip
adds an extra base note
adds the low sound that was a part of their music
James Munky Shaffer
Brian Head Welch
they made the 7-string guitar popular
it became a trend by the end of the 90s
heavy, angular distortion-soaked riffs coming out of the heavy-metal tradition
singing is often rapped, sometimes screamed
1996 Life is             
1998 Follow the Leader
Limp bizkit
Fred durst, vocals
Wes Borland, guitar
more 7-string and more screaming
1997           -Dollar Bill Y'all
1999 Significant Other
System of a Down
Rick Rubin
combined elements of political engagements of Rage Against the Machine
2001 Toxicity
Kid Rock
              , Michigan
1998 Devil Without a Cause
extends the rap rock genre
more blues rock and country
industrial style
blending            and live performances
ideas trying to be represented
avant garde disturbing
roots in                bands
Cabaret Voltaire
Skinny Puppy
Canadian band
Nine Inch Nails
1994 Trent Reznor
would bring musicians with him
1994 The Downward             
dark and brooding
moody, frequent shifts in atmosphere
as he was doing this music, was recorded in the            where Charles Manson followers killed people
tries to pick up on the vibe of the              of that
Marilyn Manson
Canton, Ohio
strong parallel to Alice Cooper
            , scary, outrageous
takes the name of a women, but its a man
fascination with the grotesque
after the middle of the 1970s Alice Cooper becomes a little bit camp and ironic
before the middle of 1970s, Alice Cooper was one scary hombre
Marilyn Manson is bringing all of the spookiness of Alice Cooper back
a hint of the absurd
when he puts the band together, he decides that every member should have the name of a              star put together with a famous serial killer
Madonna Wayne Gacy
an absurd engagement with the                   
1996 Antichrist Superstar
1998 Mechanical Animals
outraged conservative America
dressed like a ghoulish transvestite
albums contained vulgar and Satanic lyrics that just begged to be banned
the albums basically say, "Please,        me, I want to be a famous bad boy."
and in large part he succeeded at this
he's anti-                     in your face
1970s: Hippie Aesthetic, Corporate Rock, Disco, and Punk
British Blues-Based Bands and the Roots of Heavy Metal
American Blues Rock and Southern Rock
The Era of Progressive Rock
Jazz Rock in the 70s
Theatrical Rock: KISS, Bowie, and Alice Cooper
American Singer-Songwriters of the 70s
British and Canadian Singer-Songwriters
Country Rock's Influence on 1970s Music
Black Pop in the 1970s
Sly Stone and His Influence on Black Pop, Funk, and Psychedelic Soul
Motown in the 1970s
Philadelphia Sound and Soul Train
Blaxploitation Soundtracks
The Uniqueness of James Brown
Bob Marley and the Rise of Reggae
The Backlash Against Disco
1975-1980: The Rise of the Mega-Αlbum
Continuity Bands in the 1970s
Rock and Roll in the Second Half of the 1970s
U.S. Punk 1967-1975
1974-77: Punk in the UK
American New Wave 1977-80
British New Wave 1977-80
The Hippie Aesthetic: 1966-1980
The Rise of MTV
Michael Jackson: MTV's Unexpected Boon
Madonna as Disruptive Shock Artist
Prince and Janet Jackson
Other Groups Who Benefited from MTV
1980s New Traditionalists and New Wave
1980s New Acts, Old Styles and Blue-Eyed Soul
1970s Progressive Rock Adapts to the 80s
1980's Heavy Metal
1980s Heavy Metal and L.A. Hair Bands
1980s Ambitious Heavy Metal
The Beginning of Rap
1980s: Rap Crosses Over to Mainstream
Late 1980s Hard Core Rap
Punk Goes Hardcore
Late 80s Indie Rock Underground
1990s: The Rise of Alternative Rock
1990s Indie Rock and the Question of Selling Out
1990s Metal and Alternative Extensions
Hip-Hop in the 1990s
Classic Rock of the 1990s
1990s Jam Bands and Britpop
Female Singer-Songwriters of the 1990s
The Rise of Teen Idols in the 1990s
1990s Dance Music