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Notes on video lecture:
The Hippie Aesthetic: 1966-1980
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
ambitious, artist, sloppy, values, song, concept, instruments, virtuosity, careers, dance, forward, 15, records, dance, requirement, play, statement, professional, MTV, professional, amateurs, change, arc, aggressive, concept, 70s, own, amateurs, hippies, first, inside, production, artists, Punk, concessions, big
we can see an        of rock music that develops between the mid 60s
around 1965 to 1966 crossover to psychedelia
over the barrier of 1969-1970 continues forward to 1974-1975 and works it's way to 1979-1980
that arc of about      years, is what we might think is dominated by The Hippie Aesthetic
all of this music hangs around in a number of ideas and             
music as                         
the artists writing their        songs
playing their own                       
producing their own               
being in control of their artistic                   
having a certain amount of                     
they never wanted to be thought of as                  or technically deficient in any kind of way
high levels of                     
embracing technology
pushing the art               
not spending a lot of time looking back
we see this decline at the end of the       
on the way in, in the 60s, it's coming out of a craft-based approach
the Beatles and other groups make the transition from craftsmen to               
it's where the artist thing kicks in that we begin to see the beginning of the hippie aesthetic
the music continues to get increasing                    and sophisticated coming to a culmination at the end of the 70s
stylistic experimentation, combining and juxtaposing different styles at the end of the 60s
country rock
jazz rock
progressive rock
these come together as the business expands and radio has this                        of having 4-5 minute songs
at the end of this two-decade Hippie-aesthetic arc, two styles come up which challenge what this arc was about
1. Disco
essentially a            form
it's message was
who cares about these        issues
who cares about                albums
who cares about                          musicians and these long and boring solos
we don't even know who the              is, it's not important
we just want to           
it was an                      attempt to reject the Hippie aesthetic
2. Punk
the same thing happens with         
when people got their first look at the Sex Pistols, they seemed like                 
they didn't care about being able to         
they didn't care about making            rate performance, they just sort of showed up and began playing
it all seemed to              and amateurish
many rock listeners couldn't take it seriously
3. New Wave
then you get the more refined of Punk in the form of New Wave which starts to make                        to rock
New Wave bands looked back at Rock history and was often conditioned by the fact that the musicians themselves had been                before they did New Wave
New Wave could not escape the hippie aesthetic and the music created by it
despite the fact that that is what it is trying to do
so while Punk escaped the hippie aesthetic, New Wave remained              of it
the rejection of the hippie aesthetic marks an end to this music
many of the rock groups from the 70s will continue to have                into the 80s
but things start to              in the 1980s
but Rock music gets down to a 4-5 minute          unit
the extended tracks and                albums are for the most part out of the picture
at the beginning of the 1980s emerged       , Music Television
this changes the business all over again
1970s: Hippie Aesthetic, Corporate Rock, Disco, and Punk
British Blues-Based Bands and the Roots of Heavy Metal
American Blues Rock and Southern Rock
The Era of Progressive Rock
Jazz Rock in the 70s
Theatrical Rock: KISS, Bowie, and Alice Cooper
American Singer-Songwriters of the 70s
British and Canadian Singer-Songwriters
Country Rock's Influence on 1970s Music
Black Pop in the 1970s
Sly Stone and His Influence on Black Pop, Funk, and Psychedelic Soul
Motown in the 1970s
Philadelphia Sound and Soul Train
Blaxploitation Soundtracks
The Uniqueness of James Brown
Bob Marley and the Rise of Reggae
The Backlash Against Disco
1975-1980: The Rise of the Mega-Αlbum
Continuity Bands in the 1970s
Rock and Roll in the Second Half of the 1970s
U.S. Punk 1967-1975
1974-77: Punk in the UK
American New Wave 1977-80
British New Wave 1977-80
The Hippie Aesthetic: 1966-1980
The Rise of MTV
Michael Jackson: MTV's Unexpected Boon
Madonna as Disruptive Shock Artist
Prince and Janet Jackson
Other Groups Who Benefited from MTV
1980s New Traditionalists and New Wave
1980s New Acts, Old Styles and Blue-Eyed Soul
1970s Progressive Rock Adapts to the 80s
1980's Heavy Metal
1980s Heavy Metal and L.A. Hair Bands
1980s Ambitious Heavy Metal
The Beginning of Rap
1980s: Rap Crosses Over to Mainstream
Late 1980s Hard Core Rap
Punk Goes Hardcore
Late 80s Indie Rock Underground
1990s: The Rise of Alternative Rock
1990s Indie Rock and the Question of Selling Out
1990s Metal and Alternative Extensions
Hip-Hop in the 1990s
Classic Rock of the 1990s
1990s Jam Bands and Britpop
Female Singer-Songwriters of the 1990s
The Rise of Teen Idols in the 1990s
1990s Dance Music