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Notes on video lecture:
The 1930s World Crisis
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
print, gold, reparations, France, 1933, hyperinflation, Remarque, weak, Creditanstalt, invest, Eastern, WWI, demand, American, money, demand, 1931, bubble, publics, Rentenmark, Steel, weapons, recession, polarization, Jünger, cash
modern capitalism was a system created in the late 1800s
standardized money built around the          standard
gold standard
             = how much we can buy, how much money is available
if you have a gold standard system, then demand is tied to the amount of gold available
advantage: more stable
disadvantage: if you have a growing economy (increased amount of goods on the market), it will be hard to increase             , i.e. increase the amount of money available
however, people are creating paper instruments to multiply the value of gold
it was actually called Gold Exchange Standard
in 1930s: not just gold anchor but "golden fetters", chaining the world economy
by the late 1920s most of the key companies are back on the gold standard after the disruption of       
had to pay                        from WWI
it's response was to just            money to pay it off, which caused                             
late 1920s, people are trying to stabilize the economy, much by the use of                  loans, Germany has a new currency
when the new currency, the                     , replaced the worthless Reichsbank marks on November 16, 1923 and 12 zeros were cut from prices, prices in the new currency remained stable
the Reichsmark became the new legal tender on 30 August 1924, equal in value to the Rentenmark
taking loans from Americans to pay reparations to Britain and France, and Britain and France use the money to pay back the Americans for loans during the war
United States
had economic boom during WWI
after war suffered a                   
in 1920s, U.S. is coming out of this recession
U.S. agriculture is limping along through the 1920s
industry has access to all kinds of new money because of the stock market
in WWI, the governments went around asking their                to loan them money and the public loans them money to fight the war in the form of "war bonds"
after the war, people got used to, even on a mass scale in the millions, buying securities that they would hold instead of just having cash in the bank
people began to borrow to              more
this is all becoming an investment             
1929 Crash
lines outside the banks
the 1929 crash did not solely cause the Great Depression
economies were already          in 1927 and 1928
Great Depression happens in two main stages: 1929 stock crash, 1931 European economic crisis (                           in Vienna declares bankruptcy, Britain goes of gold standard)
1930 a delivering (liquidation) trend started, people clearing up their debts and "putting themselves back into         "
so people were getting out of the stock market and stopped buying things, both public and private demand was going down
some save there should hve been a lot of public spending
banks were careful about printing paper money but that makes investors go to places which aren't printing more paper money
some argue that several countries working together could have increased their            supply
one problem was political, the inability to coorporate, the international politics regarding debt and trade
after 1929, Americans are lending less money to Western Europe, and Western Europe loans are holding up a lot                European economy as well
in Vienna, Creditanstalt had to declare bankruptcy on May 11,         
1931, Britain announces suspension of gold standard, the country that was the anchor of the gold standard, "we're just going to print out our own money, guys, and we'll work out how to exchange it"
challenge to collective security
the early 1930s don't make sense unless you realize that the reactions to WWI are still reverberating
book: All Quiet on the Western Front (Im Westen Nichts Neues)
gripped a large world-wide audience
movie from 1930 very
book: Ernst                        "Storm of           ", celebrates the wartime experience
Storm of Steel (In Stahlgewittern) has been criticized for glorifying war, especially when compared to Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front. However Jünger was a combat soldier, who saw extensive front-line service.                  did not, and All Quiet on the Western Front is a work of fiction, not a memoir (Remarque was actually a sapper for only a few weeks near the front line).
imperial weariness of France and Britain
not expanding, trying to retreat from colonialism with dignity
1931: British had round table meetings with India to discuss Indian self government
ends in failure
Britain can't find a way to work themselves out of these burdens
1930s: the disarmament agenda is not being pursued
1932-1934: World Disarmament Conferences
ends in failure
disagreements over what constituted "offensive" and "defensive"               
                         of France and Germany
increasingly military-minded German governments could see no reason why their country could not enjoy the same level of armaments as other powers, especially France
British and US governments were unprepared to offer the additional security commitments that              requested
Hitler withdrew Germany from both the Conference and the League of Nations in October         
the 1930s had proved far too self-interested an international period to accommodate multilateral action in favor of pacifism
1914: Schizophrenic Germany
1914: The Balkan Whirlpool
1914: From Balkan Crisis to War
1914-1916: All War Plans Fail Horribly
The 1916 Missed Opportunity for Peace
WWI Pushes Warring Countries Toward Total States
Why the Allies Won World War One
Post-WWI: Filling the Void of Collapsed Empires
Post-WWI Communism vs. Anti-Communism
Post World War I: The Age of Uncertainty
1910s/1920s: Modern Women
The World of 1930
The 1930s World Crisis
1930s: The Decade of Contingency
America's Entry into World War II
WWII: Strategies for Total War
1945: Hour Zero
Post WWII: Imagining New Countries
Conflicts in Postwar Nation Building
The Two Europes That Emerged After WWII
1947 China: Undesirable Communists vs. Flawed Nationalists
Post WWII: The Age of America
Reasons for the Korean War
How WWIII was Avoided in the Korean War
1950-1952: The Cold War Comes to Main Street
1950-1954: The H-Bomb and the Nuclear Revolution
1950s: Loosening Empires and Building Confederations
The Emergence of the Third World
1958-1962: The World at the Brink
Third World Proxy Wars of the 1950s and 1960s
Managerial States and the Transnational Disruption of 1968
1970s Obstacles to Reducing Cold War Tensions
1970s Democratic Socialism Becomes a Non-Choice
1980s Political Polarization
1980s: Global Capitalism Transformed