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Notes on video lecture:
Porticus Aemilia
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on January 24, 2014 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
ashlar, library, Augustus, tiered, concrete, Urbis, apartments, trading, warehouse, fragment, marble, shopping, Foundation, Ferentino, colonize, stone
in the age of Augustus (63BC-14AD), Rome began to                  cities around it
Porticus Aemilia
large                    on banks of Tiber
193 BC, restored in 174 BC
only small                  survives
Livy (59BC-17AD) ##livy
Roman historian
wrote "Books from the                      of the City"
from traditional foundation of Rome in 753 BC through the reign of                  in Livy's own time
mentions Porticus Aemilia
marble map of Rome
early 3rd century AD
under Septimius Severus
purported to represent all buildings
only have fragments, but some represent the Porticus Aemilia
long structure
Rome began                more extensively
needed to store goods going out and in
disagreement about how warehouse looked
but sure of
made of                 
had barrel vault, difficult to make out of            but easy to make out of concrete
Livy says it was              in four levels
open gates between barrel vaults
Market Hall in                   
100 BC
one giant barrel vault
Opus Incertum work
nicely cut              blocks and voussoir blocks
it looks forward in architecture
experimentation in larger warehouse buildings
Mercati di Traiano
world's oldest                  mall
the arcades in Trajan's Market are now believed by many to be administrative offices for Emperor Trajan
Emperor Trajan (53AD-117AD)
declared by the Senate as optimus princeps ("the best ruler")
presided over the greatest military expansion in Roman history
shops and                      were built in a multi-level structure, and it is still possible to visit several of the levels
delicate              floors
remains of a               
Romulus Founds Rome
The Temple of Jupiter OMC
The Servian Wall of Rome
Temple of Portunus in Rome and Temple of Hercules in Cori
The Increasing Greekification of Roman Temple Building
Opus Caementicum and Opus Incertum
Porticus Aemilia
Temple of Jupiter Anxur at Terracina
Tabularium and Theater of Marcellus
Bathing, Entertainment, and Housing in Roman Cities
Roman Tombs, Aqueducts and the Lasting Impact of Roman Architecture
Julius Caesar's Vision to Make Rome the Architectural Equal of Alexandria
Augustus and Luna Marble
The Forum of Augustus and the Temple of Mars
Ara Pacis Augustae
The Meier Museum and the Jewel of the Lungotevere
Tiberius' Villa Jovis on Capri
Caligula, Lighter Concrete, and the Underground Basilica
The Significance of Nero's Octagonal Room on Roman Architecture
Hadrian's Pantheon
The Flavian Amphitheater a.k.a. the Roman Colosseum
The Temple of Venus and Roma
The Arch of Titus
The 79 AD Ruins of Herculaneum
Early History of Pompeii