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Notes on video lecture:
Tiberius' Villa Jovis on Capri
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on March 3, 2014 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Blue, grandeur, promontory, cisterns, Livia, Faraglioni, dome, lemons, Julia, Claudian, concrete, concrete, Caligula, god
Augustus founded the Julio-                 dynasty
"Julio" for the Julian side, i.e. Julius Caesar and Augustus
Augustus was the son of Caesar's sister            and Caesar adopted him in his will
"Claudian" for the Claudian side, i.e. Augustus' wife's side of the family
four more emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty: Tiberius,                 , Claudius, Nero
all four of these made an important contribution to Roman architecture
Temple of Mercury
in diameter was the largest          in the world until the construction of the Pantheon in Rome in 128CE
made of                 , spectacular interior
emperor from 14-37 AD
elder son of            from a former marriage
completed projects begun by Augustus
restored Republican buildings
new projects
Temple to the Divine Augustus father
Augustus was made a        as was Julius before him
real passion was his private architecture
Domus Tiberiana
very little that survives
concrete base
did not feel that Augustus' house met his                 
introduced every luxury possible
Caligula adds to palace
then Domitian redesigned the entire Palatine Hill in the late first century
villas on the Island of Capri
Julio-Claudian dynasty built 12 villas on Capri
you have to arrive by boat
on way see the          Grotto and Green Grotto
one main goal to go to Capri is to see the rocks, the                     
on way up to Villa Jovis
you have to walk up there, no cars
two paths to get there
you'll see the largest              on the way up
Villa Jovis
best preserved villa of Tiberias
dates to 47 AD
base made with                 
                 supply the baths and kitchens with water
on southern side, extensive bath structure
on eastern front, the aula, bay window with panoramic views
located at edge of                     , 1095 feet above sea level
on north side, Tiberius' apartments were located
foundation walls remain but all ceilings are missing
walls don't go up that far but they preserve the entire plane of the palace


loggia, n. [LAH-gee-ah] roofed open gallery. It differs from a veranda in being more architectural, and in forming more decidedly a part of the main edifice to which it is attached; from a porch, in being intended not for entrance but for an out-of-door sitting-room  "There were a series of rooms for the emperor himself, including an imperial loggia where he could walk out and get some attractive panoramas privately on his own."
triclinium, n. a couch facing three sides of a rectangular table, used by the ancient Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans for reclining at meals  "Immediately to the west of the triclinium was the main living room."
hydrofoil, n. a speedboat that is equipped with winglike structures that lift it so that it skims the water at high speeds  "To get to the island of Capri, you can take a hydrofoil from Naples."
funicular, n. a rail transit system which ascends a steep urban or mountain incline with the cars linked by a cable and an arrangement of pulleys such that the descending car assists in the hoisting of the ascending car, i.e. the two cars serve as counterweights for each other  "Cable cars are distinct from funiculars, where the cars are permanently attached to the cable, and cable railways, which are similar to funiculars, but where the rail vehicles are attached and detached manually."
cistern, n. a receptacle for holding water or other liquid, especially a tank for catching and storing rainwater  "Once in the city, the water was stored in three open reservoirs and over a hundred underground cisterns."
promontory, n. a high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water; a headland  "There we see a mountain remaining as a promontory that marks the southwestern limit of the region."
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Tiberius' Villa Jovis on Capri
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