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Notes on video lecture:
Bathing, Entertainment, and Housing in Roman Cities
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on February 3, 2014 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
thermopolium, bath, Tivoli, running, Pompei, concrete, experimentation, gladiatorial, hillsides, modern, multiple, church, experiments, social, France, stone, multiple, frigidarium
every Roman city had its          buildings
houses did not have                water, so bath buildings were extremely important, obviously
most cities had at least one, ancient              seems to have had three
these bath buildings responded to both a practical and              need
bath houses were also interesting for their architectural                       
baths buildings had                  spaces in them
men and women's section separate and the men had the better rooms: bigger and more ornate
holes in ceiling to create light effects
baths of Carcalla
very huge, now only remains
baths of Diocletian
was still used in              times
reuse over the centuries is the reason many buildings survived
part of it was transformed into a             
transformed the                       
decorated at one point in part by Michelangelo
vaults used to lift the ceilings
Théâtre antique d'Orange
in Orange,             
Greeks always built theaters on                    to support the seating area
true in Orange as well
but Romans built theaters anywhere using                  to build the seating area
no Roman city was without its theater for                          and animal combat
animals kept down below
many buildings in Rome were used from the            from the Colosseum
connecting all Roman cities were streets
sidewalks have drains
rut marks for wheels of carts
Pompeii and Herculaneum
ovens and bakery ovens
wine sops
                        : ancient restaurants with ready-to-eat food
Roman house
House of the Vedii, in Pompeii
well preserved
marble furniture
often depict buildings
we see                                in painting before we see it in architecture
port of Rome
second century Roman city
concrete face with brick
commercial city, congested, not as wealthy
not single story house but apartment houses with                  stories
Hadrian's villa at             
a microcosm of the Empire of that time
Roman, Egyptian and Greek statues


hypocaust, n. a space under the floor of an ancient Roman building where heat from a furnace was accumulated to heat a room or a bath  "The building was heated by a hypocaust, its water being provided by a dedicated aqueduct."
frigidarium, n. a large cold pool in Roman baths which would be entered after the caldarium and the tepidarium, which were used to open the pores of the skin, whereas the cold water of the frigidarium would close the pores  "Each building had an entry into the massage hall, a gymnasium, changing room, the bathing space which included the frigidarium (cold baths), tepidarium (warm baths) and caldarium (hot baths), and a communal latrine."
thermopolium (pl. thermopolia), n. in the ancient Greco-Roman world, a "cook-shop" or "a place where something hot is sold", a commercial establishment where it was possible to purchase ready-to-eat food  "A typical thermopolium had little L-shaped counters in which large storage vessels were sunk, which would contain either hot or cold food."


######################### (245-311 AD)
Roman emperor whose reign stabilized the empire and marked the end of the Crisis of the Third Century
  • emperor from 284-305
  • rose through military ranks
  • his reforms fundamentally changed the structure of Roman imperial government and helped stabilize the empire economically and militarily, enabling the empire to remain essentially intact for another hundred years despite being near the brink of collapse in his youth
######################### (188-217 AD)
Roman emperor whose reign was notable for the Constitutio Antoniniana granting Roman citizenship to all freemen throughout the Roman Empire
  • of Punic and Syrian descent who ruled from 198 to 217
  • eldest son of Septimius Severus
  • reigned jointly with his father from 198 until Severus' death in 211
  • commissioned a large public bath-house (thermae) in Rome
######################### (111-130 AD)
A Bithynian Greek youth and a favourite of the Roman emperor Hadrian
  • when Antinous died, the grief of the emperor Hadrian knew no bounds, causing the most extravagant veneration to be paid to Antinous' memory
  • cities were founded in his name
  • medals struck with his likeness
  • cities throughout the east commissioned godlike images of the dead youth for their shrines and sanctuaries

Spelling Corrections:

Romulus Founds Rome
The Temple of Jupiter OMC
The Servian Wall of Rome
Temple of Portunus in Rome and Temple of Hercules in Cori
The Increasing Greekification of Roman Temple Building
Opus Caementicum and Opus Incertum
Porticus Aemilia
Temple of Jupiter Anxur at Terracina
Tabularium and Theater of Marcellus
Bathing, Entertainment, and Housing in Roman Cities
Roman Tombs, Aqueducts and the Lasting Impact of Roman Architecture
Julius Caesar's Vision to Make Rome the Architectural Equal of Alexandria
Augustus and Luna Marble
The Forum of Augustus and the Temple of Mars
Ara Pacis Augustae
The Meier Museum and the Jewel of the Lungotevere
Tiberius' Villa Jovis on Capri
Caligula, Lighter Concrete, and the Underground Basilica
The Significance of Nero's Octagonal Room on Roman Architecture
Hadrian's Pantheon
The Flavian Amphitheater a.k.a. the Roman Colosseum
The Temple of Venus and Roma
The Arch of Titus
The 79 AD Ruins of Herculaneum
Early History of Pompeii