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Notes on video lecture:
Augustus and Luna Marble
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on February 16, 2014 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Lepidus, Philippi, Sarzana, marble, supreme, temples, Actium, difficult, nephew, assassination
Mark Antony and Octavian
44 BC: Caesar's                           , Mark Antony rises to power
Octavian was only 19 and grand              of Caesar, tries to overthrow him and fails
43 BC: Octavian, Mark Antony, and                form Second Triumvirate
42 BC: Octavian and Antony join military forces and defeat Cassius and Brutus at the Battle of                 
Mark Antony joins Cleopatra
Octavian realizes Antony is distracted, a perfect time to reach for                power
31 BC: defeats Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of             
Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide
27 BC: Octavian becomes Augustus
14 AD: Octavian dies still as emperor
was transformed into a god as Caesar had been
leaves documents:
"I found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of             "
much truth to this
lists dozens of building projects he was involved in
82                that he either restored or built in Rome itself
gives a sense of Octavian's building objectives
some of the buildings still survive
rebuilds Rome in the model of Athens in ancient Greece
a high quality marble was available to Rome in close proximity
before this there had been some flirtation with marble from foreign quarries, and they made faux marble walls, but real marble was                    to obtain
began to mine the marble from Luna (present day Carrara, near present day               ), same quarry used centuries later by Michelangelo
since it was on the coast, it was fairly easy to load it and transport it to Rome
Carrara today
still have marble exhibition, compete for sculpting prizes


paramour, n. [PAIR-ah-moor] a lover, especially an illicit lover, either male or female  "Mark Antony takes up with Cleopatra and joins her in Egypt where he spends a good deal of his time in the eastern part of the empire with his paramour."


where did Augustus get his marble to turn Rome into a "city of marble"
Luna, present day Carrara
Romulus Founds Rome
The Temple of Jupiter OMC
The Servian Wall of Rome
Temple of Portunus in Rome and Temple of Hercules in Cori
The Increasing Greekification of Roman Temple Building
Opus Caementicum and Opus Incertum
Porticus Aemilia
Temple of Jupiter Anxur at Terracina
Tabularium and Theater of Marcellus
Bathing, Entertainment, and Housing in Roman Cities
Roman Tombs, Aqueducts and the Lasting Impact of Roman Architecture
Julius Caesar's Vision to Make Rome the Architectural Equal of Alexandria
Augustus and Luna Marble
The Forum of Augustus and the Temple of Mars
Ara Pacis Augustae
The Meier Museum and the Jewel of the Lungotevere
Tiberius' Villa Jovis on Capri
Caligula, Lighter Concrete, and the Underground Basilica
The Significance of Nero's Octagonal Room on Roman Architecture
Hadrian's Pantheon
The Flavian Amphitheater a.k.a. the Roman Colosseum
The Temple of Venus and Roma
The Arch of Titus
The 79 AD Ruins of Herculaneum
Early History of Pompeii