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Notes on video lecture:
Roman Tombs, Aqueducts and the Lasting Impact of Roman Architecture
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on February 5, 2014 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Alaric, Egyptian, Martius, Etruscan, whimsical, popes, amenities, Aurelian, Yale, antiquity, Caligula
tomb architecture
particularly interesting because the only practical function of the structure was to house the remains of the deceased
therefore personal, even                   
tomb of Augustus
A large tomb built in 28 BC by Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire. Although built for Emperor Augustus, it also held the remains of emperors after him including Tiberius,                 , and Claudius. In 410, during the sack of Rome by             , the pillaging Visigoths rifled the vaults, stole the urns and scattered the ashes, without damaging the structure of the building. The interior of the Mausoleum is no longer open to tourists, as looting, time, and carelessness have stripped the ruins of marbled elegance. But even as ruins, it is a dominating landmark on the northern side of the Campus               .
Mausoleum of Hadrian
used as a fortress by            in times of trouble
Pyramid of Cestius
was built in time when a great deal of                  artifacts came into Rome at the time Augustus defeated Cleopatra and Anthony
Next to the Porta San Paolo, one of the southern gates in the 3rd-century                  Walls, the Pyramid of Cestius is today one of the best-preserved ancient buildings in Rome, due to its incorporation into the city's fortifications. The pyramid was built about 18-12 BC as a tomb for Gaius Cestius and is made of brick-faced concrete covered with slabs of white marble standing on a travertine foundation measuring 30 square meters at the base, the tomb standing 37 meters high. Although the tomb had been sealed when it was built with no exterior entrance, there is no trace left of its major contents today, they having been plundered in                   . It is not possible for visitors to access the interior except by special permission typically only granted to scholars.
Petra, Jordan
burial table is inside the rock
for those they conquered, they provided                   , including water, e.g. the aqueduct in Segovia, Spain
traditional vs. innovative Roman architecture
based on Greek and                  prototypes
Thomas Jefferson looked to the Pantheon for design
Library Rotunda at the University of Virginia
very few names of architects from Roman times since the patron was more important
amphitheater in Pompeii
the colloseum is more famous, the amphitheater in Pompeii is earlier in date, used as a model to build the          Bowl


######################### (12-41 AD)
Roman emperor mostly known for his cruelty, sadism, extravagance, and intense sexual perversity, an insane tyrant
  • third in the Julio-Claudian dynasty (the first five Roman Emperors: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero)
  • unscathed by the deadly intrigues, he was sole male survivor in family (feud with Tiberius)
Romulus Founds Rome
The Temple of Jupiter OMC
The Servian Wall of Rome
Temple of Portunus in Rome and Temple of Hercules in Cori
The Increasing Greekification of Roman Temple Building
Opus Caementicum and Opus Incertum
Porticus Aemilia
Temple of Jupiter Anxur at Terracina
Tabularium and Theater of Marcellus
Bathing, Entertainment, and Housing in Roman Cities
Roman Tombs, Aqueducts and the Lasting Impact of Roman Architecture
Julius Caesar's Vision to Make Rome the Architectural Equal of Alexandria
Augustus and Luna Marble
The Forum of Augustus and the Temple of Mars
Ara Pacis Augustae
The Meier Museum and the Jewel of the Lungotevere
Tiberius' Villa Jovis on Capri
Caligula, Lighter Concrete, and the Underground Basilica
The Significance of Nero's Octagonal Room on Roman Architecture
Hadrian's Pantheon
The Flavian Amphitheater a.k.a. the Roman Colosseum
The Temple of Venus and Roma
The Arch of Titus
The 79 AD Ruins of Herculaneum
Early History of Pompeii