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Notes on video lecture:
Judah After the Babylonian Conquest
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
gradual, prestige, urban, minimal, trade, benches, abandoned, empty, measuring, identity, drastically, Babylonian, excavations, economic, Hellenistic, four, pillar, disappears, clans, discontinuity, Aegean, unoccupied, Greek, Persian, material, urban, tenth
Judea after the Babylonian conquest
Biblical text suggests that the area of Judah remained in an            state of ruins during the exile
almost every urban and military installation from the 7th century in Judah was destroyed or                   
with few exceptions these remained                      until well into the Persian period
scholars seem to agree on the point that there was an            discontinuity in the 7th century
the sites more on the perimeter, however, the            rural sites are more in question
have not been subjected to intensive                        as have the urban sites
the rural sector in Judah probably experienced                destruction
a large part of Judah's population before the Babylonian onslaught lived in the rural sector
Judah's society could be said to be characterized during this time with more continuity than                           
problems with this view
small sites in the rural sector in most cases did not continue into the                period
the rural sector depended on the urban sector in many ways
and so it could not have persisted in the same way when the major sites were destroyed
there are many items of                  culture from the Judah (late Iron Age) which did not continue into the Persian period
e.g. a new type of burial which emerged in Judah: tombs that were hewn into rock with               , called bench tombs
probably used by families or            for generations
became important spaces for their clan identity
this type of burial                      in the Persian period
the same is true of the         -roomed house
common throughout the Iron Age within Israel and Judah
these exist up until the Babylonian destruction, but are not attested in the Persian period
similarly with the Judahite              figurines
very widespread throughout Judah up to the                      conquest
so widespread throughout the Judahite territories that they are understood to represent a Judahite                 
all of this shows that something in the material culture had                        changed
the epigraphical and linguistic evidence also changes significantly with the Babylonian destruction
the                    weights, widely attested like the Judahite pillar figurines
they disappear with the Babylonian conquest
suggesting a collapse in the                  structure
we don't see            pottery in Judah after the Babylonian conquest
international wares that are brought from the East              throughout the Mediterranean
suggesting a collapse in economy and           
life had radically changed, no more a market or a demand for international                  objects
the demographic change from the late Iron Age to the                        Age is highly debated
but it is safe to say that the level of prosperity that Judah achieved in the 7th century sank precipitously with the end of the Iron Age.
recovery was extremely slow and               
it was not until the Hellenistic period, which comes after the Persian period that conditions returned to an economic level of how they were
the population after the destruction was probably only one            of what it was during the monarchy period


precipitously, adv. abruptly, with sudden descent and to a great degree  "It seems safe to say that the level of prosperity that Judah achieved in the 7th century sank precipitously with the end of the Iron Age and the Babylonian destruction."
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