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Notes on video lecture:
The Three Centers of Early Jewish History
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Judahite, shaped, 4th, diaspora, famine, land, New, Syria, Abraham, slaves, Nile, 1077, rivers, traverse, harvest, magnet, imperial, foreign, epicenters, Mesopotamia, Bible, Levant, geographically
Egyptian interest in the              can be traced back very early in Egypt's history
back to Stone Age (3.4 million years to 3100 BC)
civilization had developed in two                     :
1. Mesopotamia
2. Nile Delta
             in these areas were the main reason for the civilizational competition in the Ancient Near East between these two areas
this duality will continue to determine Israeli and                  states
will decide events in the time of the writing of the            and thereafter
these two centers of civilization were joined                              by the Levant
forms a land bridge between                        in the East and Egypt in the West
because the vast desert between these two areas was very difficult to                 
when one traveled from Mesopotamia to Egypt, one went up through            and around back down through Lebanon, Israel, through another desert and then into Egypt
Israel's history can be viewed as its geographic location on this          bridge
the Bible was              in large part by the fact that Israel was located in this land bridge area
the two centers also became two                  communities
the Babylonian Golah
the Egyptian Golah
so Mesopotamia, Egypt and Isreal in the middle are the three centers of early Jewish history
during the second and third dynasties, i.e. during the late        millenium (4000 BC - 3000 BC)
influx of                laborers into Egypt
Egypt offered cultural goods for the elites
in times of hardship and             , it offered food and water
in Genesis,                comes from the Eastern culture center of Mesopotamia to come to promised land
as soon as he arrives in the promised land, he experiences a famine
he headed for Egypt where the          offered a continuing food source
a treacherous trek but one can reach it better than going back to Mesopotamia
Egypt in all periods acted like a              on its neighbors
uncertainty of                and everpresent prospect of starvation
super-abundance of grain production
richness of stock of fish, fowl and wild game
better to live a well-fed factor in Egypt than die a starving free man on the steppes of Asia
Egypt actively bought and took              from other countries
Canaan had been in Egypt's sights far back into history
but in        Kingdom Period (1550-        ), Egypt established an enduring imperial presence in Canaan
this New Kingdom period is key to understanding Israel's fate among the time of waning and waxing                  powers in the ancient Near East


factor, n. a person who does things for another person or organization  "Better to live a well-fed factor in Egypt than die a starving free man on the steppes of Asia."
The Merneptah Stele: The Oldest Reference to Israel
Canaan as Outback between Mesopotamia and Egypt Civilization Centers
The Three Centers of Early Jewish History
The Amarna Letters and Egypt's Presence in Canaan During the New Kingdom
The End of Egyptian Imperial Control
Maps of Historical Biblical Regions
Interview with Bill Deaver
Israel, Judah, and the Campaign of Shishak
The Omride Dynasty
725 BC: The Fall of Israel to Assyria
The Kingdom of Judah and Sennacherib
The Fall of Judah
The History of Israel According to Genesis and Exodus
Archaeological Theories on the History of Israel
The Rise of the Iron Age Kingdoms
Bronze Age vs. Iron Age Material Culture
History of the Central Highland States
Judah After the Babylonian Conquest
Factors Leading to the Depopulation Of Israel
The Elephantine Papyri
Judahite Communities in Babylon
Ezra-Nehemiah and Haggai on Temple Rebuilding
The Biblical Project
From the Bible to the Sumerian King List
Genesis Chapter 26: Isaac, Abimelek and Rebekah
The Biblical Authors' Portrayal of Women and Heroism
The Bible's Treatment of Heroic Death
Portrayal of Death in the Bible