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Notes on video lecture:
The Omride Dynasty
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
military, Jehoram, consolidated, vilified, dogs, lost, Judahite, Moabite, Davidic, foreign, Samaria, obligated, Davidic, chariot, Elisha, Omri, vassal, queen, Omride, authorize, map, Phoenicia, bloody, northern, Ahab, Damascus
Biblical authors
wrote from a southern                  perspective
had little to say about the                  kingdom's cultural, military and political achievements
although they give glimpses of it
in contrast to the single,                dynasty of Judah, Israel witnesses a succession of dynasties
each lasted only two or three generations
the              dynasty
most successful dynasty
this was most                  dynasty by the Biblical authors
they are writing from a Judahite perspective and they are hostile t the northern kingdom
founded by          who died in 875
the father of         
succession: Omri, Ahab, Joram
these were the three men who originally placed Israel on the       , not Saul, David, and Solomon
they were the once who                          the northern kingdom of Israel
building program
bureaucratic organization
international diplomacy
standing, professional army
Assyrian source says he "provided 2000 chariots"
developed from citizen soldiers to a state-organized military
chariots represent an organized military as opposed to a citizen army
Omride rulers exerted their                  might
build new capital at               
extended territory from the Ephraim hill country to Jezreel valley and into Galilee
even pushed into                territory across the Jordan
constructed cities
Judah seemed to be a              of the Omrides
some sources say that the Judah kings simply collaborated with the Northern kings, e.g. 2 Kings 3:4-8
historically it was probably the case that the Judahite kings were                    to join the Omride kings since they were the Omride kings' vassals
influence of Omrides over Judah
Athaliah, a woman from the Omride household reigned as            for six years in Judah
was deposed and a                king was reinstated
established cosmopolitan kingdom
many ties to various economic centers
Ahab marries Jezebel from                   
Phoenicia is an economic center known for its trade
you can find the influence of Phoenicia in Israel e.g. in the ivory carvings
the Omride dynasty ended in a              putsch
undertaken by Jehu
Jehu has Jezebel thrown from window where she is devoured by         
brought together the descendants of Omri and massacred them (2 Kings 9-10)
this massacre was said to have been authorized by a prophet of Yahweh,             
reasons were that Ahab was
worshiping false gods
bringing                influences into Israel
Jehu kills Ahab's son,               , after he had been wounded in battle with Damascus
although in another source, the king of                  claims to have killed Jehoram
but Judahites needed Jehu to be the one to wipe out the house of Omri and hence the story that he killed Jehoram
there had to be "divine punishment" in order to absolve,                   , and venerate the massacre
Jehu can them more easily establish himself as the future king
reign of Jehu
much of what the Omrides had achieved was          during the reign of Jehu
the territories in Galilee and in the Transjordan


######################### (930-874 BC)
The seventh king of Israel, the son of Omri according to the Hebrew Bible
  • reigned for 22 years
  • most probably fought in the Battle of Qarqar is mentioned in extra-biblical records
  • in the Biblical text, Ahab has five important encounters with prophets
######################### (920-842 BC)
King of the northern Kingdom of Israel, son of Ahab and Jezebel, and brother to King Ahaziah, and grandson of Omri
  • Jehoram worshiped Baal
  • author of Kings speaks of both Jehoram of Israel and Jehoram of Judah in the same passage, which can be confusing
######################### (900-836 BC)
Daughter of Omride King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, became queen consort of Judah as the wife of King Jehoram, a descendant of King David, and later queen regnant for six years.
  • worshiped Baal, tolerated by Jehoram who worshipped YHWH
  • after Jehoram's death, Ahaziah became king of Judah, and Athaliah was queen mother
  • she and her family were exterminated by Jehu which ended Omride rule
######################### (875-815 BC)
Tenth king of Israel, noted for exterminating the house of Ahab at the instruction of Yahweh
  • ruled from 842–815 BC
  • principal source for the events of his reign comes from 2 Kings 9-10

Spelling Corrections:

The Merneptah Stele: The Oldest Reference to Israel
Canaan as Outback between Mesopotamia and Egypt Civilization Centers
The Three Centers of Early Jewish History
The Amarna Letters and Egypt's Presence in Canaan During the New Kingdom
The End of Egyptian Imperial Control
Maps of Historical Biblical Regions
Interview with Bill Deaver
Israel, Judah, and the Campaign of Shishak
The Omride Dynasty
725 BC: The Fall of Israel to Assyria
The Kingdom of Judah and Sennacherib
The Fall of Judah
The History of Israel According to Genesis and Exodus
Archaeological Theories on the History of Israel
The Rise of the Iron Age Kingdoms
Bronze Age vs. Iron Age Material Culture
History of the Central Highland States
Judah After the Babylonian Conquest
Factors Leading to the Depopulation Of Israel
The Elephantine Papyri
Judahite Communities in Babylon
Ezra-Nehemiah and Haggai on Temple Rebuilding
The Biblical Project
From the Bible to the Sumerian King List
Genesis Chapter 26: Isaac, Abimelek and Rebekah
The Biblical Authors' Portrayal of Women and Heroism
The Bible's Treatment of Heroic Death
Portrayal of Death in the Bible