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Notes on video lecture:
History of the Central Highland States
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
lowland, Bible, fringe, Finkelstein, shadow, ancestors, nomadic, civil, 722, powerful, hill, Jezreel, king, Faust, borders, Labayu, Akhenaten, Amarna, successful, one, settlement, highland, God, two, Shechem, Canaan, Samuel, dynasty, Judah, archeological, Alt, wealth, judges, authors, military, united
history central                  states
Biblical story
Book of             
authority shifting along a succession of             
people of Israel assemble and petition the prophet Samuel to find a         
so Isreal could be like other nations
Samuel says this is not what        wants, our king is alone Yahweh
but then under the direction of Yahweh himself, Samuel gives in and anoints Saul
1. Saul
Israel's first king
2. David
much more effective as a military ruler
expands the                of the kingdom
also brings internal conflict
rips the kingdom of            away from Israel
becomes first king of Judah
then is anointed king over all of Israel
faces            wars
Judah and Israel often separating from each other
establishes stable               
3. Solomon
brings great              to the united kingdom
4. Rehoboam
causes kingdom to split into       
the Davidic dynasty manages to maintain control of Jerusalem and Judah
the large and more powerful kingdom Israel has an every changing succession of short-lived dynasties
becomes powerful                  player
ruled by mighty kings
exists under Israel's             
       BC frees itself when Assyrians conquer Israel
but this was the view from the Bible written by                writing for their own times
intended for Judahite readers, not for Israelite readers, living after the fall of Israel in 722 BCE and after the fall of Judah in 586 BCE
1. Israel                       
emphasizes long-term history
Marcel Bloch
Lucien Febvre
Fernand Braudel
pointed to the cycles of                      in the Southern Levant over many thousands of years
an important corrective to how many scholars use the Bible to reconstruct Israel's history
the origins of Israel must be seen in the cycles of the               , semi-nomadic and sedentary demographic changes
individual historical events are less critical
2. Avraham           
until the Iron Age
the highlands on the             
core settlement lowlands
after Iron Age began
highlands were not so empty anymore
Jerusalem's importance
has little to do with it's geographical position
same for West Bank and central          country
they are in the news today, not because they are more valuable places but because historical events happened here
formed population formed powerful states that conquered                territories
conquered by imperial armies
in response to defeat, they produced the            and new communal identities
the Amarna letters
building on historian Albrecht       , 1925
two types of city-states in the Amarna letters
those in high lands
those in low lands
smaller territories in the south
highlands are poorer
highlands south of the                Valley
dominated by                and Jerusalem
division between these two powers correspond closely to Israel and Judah
this throws doubts on the              kingdom of Israel that later split into two
the authors of the Bible went to great lengths to affirm that the populations of Israel and Judah had common                    and common early histories
and the two kingdoms began as       
before the original sin severed them into two
but the              letters reveal a division and political tension between Shechem and Jerusalem
Shechem:              was the leader
14th-century BCE ruler or warlord in the central hill country of southern             
lived contemporaneously with Pharaoh                   
mentioned in several of the Amarna Letters
The Merneptah Stele: The Oldest Reference to Israel
Canaan as Outback between Mesopotamia and Egypt Civilization Centers
The Three Centers of Early Jewish History
The Amarna Letters and Egypt's Presence in Canaan During the New Kingdom
The End of Egyptian Imperial Control
Maps of Historical Biblical Regions
Interview with Bill Deaver
Israel, Judah, and the Campaign of Shishak
The Omride Dynasty
725 BC: The Fall of Israel to Assyria
The Kingdom of Judah and Sennacherib
The Fall of Judah
The History of Israel According to Genesis and Exodus
Archaeological Theories on the History of Israel
The Rise of the Iron Age Kingdoms
Bronze Age vs. Iron Age Material Culture
History of the Central Highland States
Judah After the Babylonian Conquest
Factors Leading to the Depopulation Of Israel
The Elephantine Papyri
Judahite Communities in Babylon
Ezra-Nehemiah and Haggai on Temple Rebuilding
The Biblical Project
From the Bible to the Sumerian King List
Genesis Chapter 26: Isaac, Abimelek and Rebekah
The Biblical Authors' Portrayal of Women and Heroism
The Bible's Treatment of Heroic Death
Portrayal of Death in the Bible