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Notes on video lecture:
Solon Against Political, Economic, and Moral Decline
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
legal, land, horos, subsistence, Herodotus, boundary, grapes, ancestors, Plutarch, seven, knights, civic, customs, 6th, poetry, Eupatrids, social, legal, hectemor, farmers, assembly, drinking, debt, Corinth, vivid, ideology, entitled, revolution, slave, law, hunters, Solon
circumstances that make a state ripe for a tyranny
entrenched, old elite who control:
1. most of the good         
2. political and            processes
this was the situation in                with Cypselus [KIP-sel-us] and his son Periander
a paradigm of how tyranny
background to           
in Athens
domination of clans who called themselves the                   
established tight control over resources of the state
beginning of        century BC, economic crisis
sources of this are from later
large class of farmers who were impoverished and in a         -bondage
tremendous              tension
paradigm of       -giver
member of the            sages
one of the founders of the Athenian            identity
a middle citizen
594 BCE Solon's reforms
account in                   
constitution of Athens
                's Life of Solon
600 years after his death
Solon's wrote his own             
middle citizen
may have been a merchant who traveled widely
this was unlikely, as he was clearly a member of he elite and they wouldn't have chosen a merchant
but a merchant would have been able to travel from place to place and observe other peoples'               
economic reforms
                , "sixth partner" debtor
annually, the debtor owed one sixth of his land and crops to the creditor
boundary stone's that marked off property
"shaking off of burdens"
cancellation of debt
creditors wanted this because it staved off                     
there was the idea that land could not change hands since it belonged to your                    and your offspring, and you were just holding it temporarily
no internal slavery
no Athenian could hold another Athenian as a           
from then on, slaves were only from somewhere else
political reforms
four property classes
1. Pentacosiomedimnoi
property produced 500 measures of              and other crops
traditionally, wealthy landowners
2. Hippeis
300 measures
"horsemen" or "              "
was more expensive to outfit yourself as a knight than a hoplite
3. Zeugitae
200 measures
relatively well-to-do                who could afford Hoplite armor
4. Thetes
"none of the above"
replacing the criteria of birth with wealth
linked this to access to political office
e.g. only Pentacosiomedimnoi could have top positions
but all citizens had the right to participate in the                 
"the council of 400"
mentioned but unsure it existed
allowed for social mobility
Aristotle in the Constitution of Athens saw a dedicatory statue, said, "I dedicate this on having risen from the Thetic class to the class of knights"
the possibility to make money an rise through the ranks
new economic reality
right of            intervention
any citizen could hold another
right to transfer a legal case from a magistrate to jury court
how Solon promoted his reforms
he was a poet
in a symposium
formalized                  party for the elite
recitation of poetry
I gave everybody what they are                  to, not too much, not too little
repeatedly refers to himself as a                  stone
or a wolf surrounded by               , fending them off
had himself the opportunity to make himself tyranny, but passed it up
the first three-dimension, fully            character that we have seen so far
becomes a figure of enormous importance of Athenian                 
later thinkers return to his ideas


eupatrid, n. [yoo-PAT-rid] member of the nobility of ancient Athens, it is likely that public office before 594 BC was in practice confined to the eupatridae and that they had a political monopoly comparable to that of other Greek aristocracies in the Archaic period, Solon's reforms, by establishing property qualifications for office, limited their power, which disappeared entirely after 580  "In Athens, we see the domination of clans who called themselves the Eupatrids."


######################### (1592-1656)
Dutch Golden Age painter who early in his career visited Rome (1616) where he had great success painting in a style influenced by Caravaggio
  • he was one of four artists from Utrecht who went to Rome at around this time, the others being Dirk van Baburen, Hendrick ter Bruggen, and Jan van Bijlert
  • in Rome, he painted "Christ Before the High Priest" in 1617
  • he became especially noted for his depiction of artificially lit scenes, receiving the nickname "Gherardo delle Notti," or "Gerard of the night"
  • following his return to the Netherlands he became a leading portrait painter
  • 1624, painted "Solon in front of Croesus"

Spelling Corrections:



a paradigm of how tyranny works
Corinth with Cypselus [KIP-sel-us] and his son Periander
who painted picture of Solon visiting Croesus
Gerhard van Honthorst, 1624

Ideas and Concepts:

Mandatory democratic participation law, via tonight's Ancient Greece class, "Solon (638-558 BC) passed a law which forced every man to side with a faction in the event of civil strife in the city, a law believed to have been inspired by his desire to see citizens, during civil unrest, to take an active role in public affairs by choosing the side they believed to be virtuous and consonant with their own principles, and to risk themselves by giving their support rather than standing back apathetically in safety, as if watching a competitive game.":
Hesiod's Creation Myth: Theogony
The Spartan Way of Life
600 BC Tyrants and Sages: Cypselus and Periander
800-700 BC: Athens Before Solon
Solon Against Political, Economic, and Moral Decline
Peisistratos: Tyranny and Civic Identity
The End of Athenian Tyranny and the Democratic Revolution
508 BC: The Democratic Reforms of Cleisthenes
Herodotus and The Histories
The First Persian War and the Battle of Marathon
Themistocles, Silver, and Greek Naval Policy
Xerxes and the Second Invasion of Greece
The Delian League
From Delian League to Athenian Empire
Pericles: Aristocrat, Orator and Democratic Citizen
Sophocles' Antigone: Tragedy and Athenian Civic Life