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800-700 BC: Athens Before Solon
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Gaia, inferior, Athena, Athena, suppliants, mythical, basileus, harshness, virginal, Hephaestus, Minotaur, synoecism, hereditary, Plutarch, crippled, hearths, olive, Synoecism, law, Corithians, unintentionally
                 founder-king of Athens
son of Aegeus (goat-man) and Poseidon
his story is told by                 
visit to Crete
slays the                  who is kept in the labyrinth, get assistance from Minos' daughter Ariadne [air-ee-AD-nee]
when Theseus got back to Athens, he had a great idea "                  ", the idea of communities combining
sets up a temple where everyone can come and worship             
sets up sports games and competitions, created a sense of civic identity
welcomed in foreigners, with restrictions
supervising divinity of the city
she and Poseidon had a contest, Poseidon hit rock with his trident and water bubbled up
Athena gave Greeks the            tree
she is a "fiercely                  goddess" with no romantic attachments whatsoever
myth around this: the lame smith God                     
Hephaestus [heh-FIGH-stus]
is to the male gods as              is to the females
he gives skill to mortal artists and was believed to have taught men the arts alongside Athena
is far                  to the sublime character of Athena
Greeks frequently placed small dwarf-like statues of Hephaestus near their               , and these figures are the oldest of all his representations
myth of origin of Athenians: Athena, refusing a union with Hephaestus because of his unsightly appearance and                  nature, and that when he became angry and forceful with her, she disappeared from the bed. His ejaculate fell on the earth, impregnating         , who subsequently gave birth to Erichthonius of Athens
historical region of Greece, which includes Athens
1,000 square miles
good natural resources
olive cultivation
good potter's clay, to rival that of the                     
massive, long coastline
wealthy, hospitable
some kind of                    had been completed by end of 700 BC, and by this time people were identifying themselves as Athenians
synoecism = villages coming together into a large polis
four original tribes
eupatridae [yoo-PAT-rih-digh]
                     elite, "those who had good fathers"
controlled largest agricultural lands
dominated political system
Theseus was a king of Athens, but only in myth
areopagus [air-ee-OP-ah-gus]
council which met on a hill, elected by the Eupatridae
archons [AHR-kons]
chief magistrates
archon                  [BAH-zil-AY-us] = king archon
polemarch [POL-ee-mark]
war archon and commander in chief
eponymous archon
gave his name to the civic year, you talk about something having occurred in the archonship of (some person)
Athens in 8th and 7th century BC
not yet in the colonizing period
some strain was beginning to show
Kylon decided to stage a revolt (as Cypselus [KIP-se-lus] had done in Corinth)
stage revolution and seized the Acropolis
instead of following him, the ordinary people barricaded him there, he then escaped
one of arcons named Megacles committed an awful sacrilege, promising the conspirators safe passage out of the temple, but when they emerged, he had them killed
to kill                      was a terrible religious infraction
his family had to leave Athens, sent into exile
Kylon's attempt at revolution shows that there were strains in Athenian society
624 BC: Athenians created their first        code
Draco (7th century BC, 39th Olympiad)
replaced the prevailing system of oral law and blood feud by a written code to be enforced only by a court. Known for its                   , draconian has come to refer to similarly unforgiving rules or laws.
name means dragon
prescribing death as the punishment of any infraction
archeologists found a inscription of Draco's law on homicide: even if someone kills someone                               , he must go into exile, from which he can be reinvited after being purified by Delphi
this was astonishing as it takes into count the circumstances of the murderer, shows that Draco's code was not as harsh as once thought
620 BC: colonizing era
to the Bosphorus area first
Hesiod's Creation Myth: Theogony
The Spartan Way of Life
600 BC Tyrants and Sages: Cypselus and Periander
800-700 BC: Athens Before Solon
Solon Against Political, Economic, and Moral Decline
Peisistratos: Tyranny and Civic Identity
The End of Athenian Tyranny and the Democratic Revolution
508 BC: The Democratic Reforms of Cleisthenes
Herodotus and The Histories
The First Persian War and the Battle of Marathon
Themistocles, Silver, and Greek Naval Policy
Xerxes and the Second Invasion of Greece
The Delian League
From Delian League to Athenian Empire
Pericles: Aristocrat, Orator and Democratic Citizen
Sophocles' Antigone: Tragedy and Athenian Civic Life