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Notes on video lecture:
The Dream by Henri Rousseau
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
repress, Polish, black, psychoanalysis, impoverished, dreaming, flat, doucement, ridiculed, sex, oranges, Plantes, Darwinian, enigmatic, verdoyants, gaze, elephant, womb, curve, animals, peaceful, animality, strange, 1906, Philippe, sexually, ancient, glow, 1920, modernist, voluptuous, Munch, juxtaposition, regal, lilies, pleasure, Picasso, alienation, naked, lighting, 1910, dreaming, uncanny, awake, spell, surrealists, open, metafisica, moon, erotic, primitive, teeming, hidden, forerunner
Henri Rousseau (1844-        )
an outsider artist
spoke to the generation of the                       
1910 The Dream
strange and                    painting
a dream of a              woman with whom Rousseau had had a relationship
naked, she reclines on a red couch, her arm outstretched in a            manner
she is in a tropical jungle
a musician playing the flute is              in the foliage
in this painting, we find beauty that is indisputable, a Louis                  sofa lost in the forest
the painting evokes feelings of fertility,                 , and desire
the plants are lush and the animals                and beautiful
it's not conventionally sexual but it is gently             
the erotic concerns the aesthetic of sexual desire
ripe fruit, the threat of                   , and the suggestion of hidden depths, all of these combine to create an erotically charged poetic appeal
Rousseau wrote a poem to explain the painting and the odd                            of objects
original poem:
Yadwigha dans un beau rêve
S'étant endormie                   
Entendait les sons d'une musette
Dont jouait un charmeur bien pensant.
Pendant que la lune reflète
Sur les fleurs, les arbres                     ,
Les fauves serpents prêtent l'oreille
Aux airs gais de l'instrument.
the poem speaks of a woman                 , but in the painting, the women is not asleep
we enter her dream directly
we see she is            in her own dream
"he was consumed by the color, the moon, and the lilies"
"his eyes were so possessed by the glowing red of the couch on which Yadwigha was regally reclined under the moon in the dark jungle among those over-sized             "
the painting has many questions with few answers
why is Yadwigha having such a strange dream
what does the dream mean
why does she imagine herself           
why does she place herself in an exotic jungle
why are the animals so companiable, even the lions and serpants
who is the hidden flute player
dreams in paintings
artists often use their dreams and inner worlds as an inspiration for their art
in the fin-de-siècle era, the dream took on new meaning particularly because of the ideas of Sigmund Freud and the avant garde artists
Edvard            (1863-1944)
painted the dark side of the dream in his famous work of 1893, The Scream
explores a sense of                      and inner terror
Giorgio de Chirico (1888-1978)
Italian artist and writer
founded the scuola                      art movement, which profoundly influenced the surrealists
set his paintings in strange dreamscapes which resisted interpretation
1900 Freud's Interpretation of Dreams
profound influence on the surrealists in the         's
everything we                will return
perhaps Rousseau's painting was inspired by Freud's couch
she is on a red couch in an                place where the familiar is rendered unfamiliar
topics of dreams, sexuality and desires were common in the 20th century
the era of                             
Eve without Adam theme
painting:          Eve
Eve stands naked in a jungle
holds out her hand out to a serpent
               instead of apples
also a sense of harmony in nature
Rousseau's Dream
Yadwigha is like Eve in a lush, entangled                    jungle
jungle suggests the unconscious mind of the dreamer
many animals
an                  almost hidden by foliage
the piper who has tamed the wild beasts of the jungle
her outreached arm reminds us Michaelangelo's Creation of Adam from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
but here a woman reaches out her hand and creates a tropical forest                with life
she is the original          which brings forth life
her naked form draws the eye not so much because she is                  objectified but she is the source of creativity
there is no sense that Yadwigha is performing for a male         
she is self-assured,                  and in harmony with life
her body is erotic, rounded,                     , but not sexualized in a gratuitous manner
it's a waking dream, all characters have the eyes wide         
painting is captivating
strange symmetry to it shapes and forms
at first the jungle seems impenetrable
the jungle seems to          from within
the            of the serpent's body rhymes visually with the curve of her leg
her rounded breast echoes the roundness of the full         
the wide-eyes looking of the lions looking out at the viewer suggest they are under the            of the piper
perhaps the black flute player represents the            servant who often accompanied the female nude of classical painting
but the flute player is an &active& person, and less of a servant
some saw Rousseau as a                    painter
he saw himself as a                   
pays little attention to photographic likeness, perspective and depth
created meaning through intricately designed          planes of color and distortions of scale
he uses flattened space
an absence of illusionist                 
his work was                    by conventional art critics
he found himself increasingly on the side of the avant garde
mixed with avant garde artists such as               
Picasso knew he was a                      to new approaches of art
in his focus on                 , he is certainly a forerunner to the surrealist movement
surrealists were fascinated with       , desire and repression
for surrealists, life was a mystery
humans imposed order where there was none
Rousseau painted many paintings in which                and humans live in harmony
a regular visitor to the Jardin de               
never left Paris
unusual juxtaposing of objects
Rousseau's works were often seen as the repository of dreams and                desires


######################### (1888-1978)
Italian artist and writer, who founded the scuola metafisica art movement before World War I which influenced surrealist artists
  • was born in Greece and studied art at Athens Polytechnic
  • in 1906, he moved to Germany entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich
  • in 1909 he moved back to Italy, to Milan and then Florence where he painted some of his well-known works such as The Enigma of an Autumn Afternoon
  • in 1911, he spent some days in Turin and was fascinated by the the architecture of its archways and piazzas
  • in 1911, he moved to Paris and painted there until the start of the war in 1914
  • during the war, he continued to paint and founded the group Pittura metafisica
  • in 1918 he transferred to Rome, after which he began to paint in an increasingly neoclassical and neo-Baroque style
  • he is best known for his metaphysical paintings he produced between 1909 and 1919, which are characterized by haunted, brooding moods evoked by their images
  • in his metaphysical period, he developed a repertoire of motifs: empty arcades, towers, elongated shadows, mannequins, and trains, arranged to create images of forlorness and emptiness that paradoxically also convey a feeling of power and freedom
  • "To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams."

Spelling Corrections:

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