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Notes on video lecture:
Gainsborough's Portrait of Karl Friedrich Abel
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
nervous, concentration, steep, Hunting, affinity, cover, gaze, apart, plausible, poised, dynamic, grand, Mercier, excessive, Pomeranian, gambit, gamba, not, rhythmic, masculine, companionship, consummate, vibration, performing, 1788, Bach, dog, sensibility, respectability, Berlin, musical, woman
Portrait of Karl Friedrich Abel
               Art Gallery, San Marino, California
Thomas Gainsborough (1727-        )
a portrait of a musician as a man of                       
Karl Friedrich Abel
German musician who trained under         
one of the last great virtuosi of the viola de           
seen at desk poised over a                score
presented as the                      musician, active in his profession
although seated, appears as a                18th century gentleman
beautifully dressed in a fine fabric of subtle brown or gold
he is correcting or writing a musical score
one which he might perform on his viola de gamba which rests on his knee
he is the epitome of                              and success
a man at the peak of his powers
presents a            figure from the world of music
harmonious and compositionally                 
evocative of musical composition itself
communicates an allowance of                    emotion when it comes to music
himself had an                  for the violo
organized chamber concerts
Gainsborough's friend Henry Dudley Bait
Gainsborough always plays his violo to the feelings
Gainsborough often expressed he was free of the labors his portraits required of him
                   was one of the paradigms of the culture of sensibility
"The Sense of Hearing" (1716)
Philippe                (1691-1760)
a French painter and etcher, who lived principally and was active in England
born in              of French extraction
studied painting at the Akademie der Wissenschaften
Hume emphasized the harmonic possibilities of the                system
comparing the affections transmitted by humans to the sounds of musical instruments
listening to music was part of the culture of sensibility
immoderate and excessive emotion were        encouraged
but made an exception for the visual and                      arts, allowing
a                    enthusiasm
a reasonable ecstasy and transport
in relation to architecture, paintings, and music
Gainsborough paints Abel, his loved friend, though the codes of a gendered sensibility
Abel is powerful, professional, and active
sitting astride his chair with his legs           
he leans forward in his chair
his bow resting at a            angle at his thigh
his right hand              over the sheet of music
is poised in a moment of                           
conveyed through his subtle facial expressions
this image is one of a man of sensibility
the style of which would have been unthinkable for a            of his class
Abel asserts                    sensibility and authority in a subtle way
as he looks out of the picture plane, addressing the viewer with his         
his                      rests by his feet
she has almost as much importance in the composition as Abel's famed musical instrument
presenting an image of                           , harmony, and mutual support
here we see a great musician at ease with his       
it is difficult to determine if the spirit of the figure, the clearly marked meaning of the face, the correctness of the dog, or the richness of the chair            deserve the highest commendation
as in other paintings
Gainsborough uses the image as a means of illustrating the sensibility that included in its              of cohabitation with domestic animals and their treatment

Spelling Corrections:

Tiepolo´s Cleopatra: Agency in Paint
The Political and Sexual Agency of Cleopatra
Gainesborough and 18th Century Effeminism
Soldiers, Chivalry, and Men of Feeling
Gainsborough's Portrait of Karl Friedrich Abel
The Ligoniers: The Tensions of Gender in Paint
Effeminacy and the Culture of Sensibility
Gainsborough's Cottage Door: Charity and Sensibility
Seduction in Boucher's pastoral paintings
Boucher's Madame de Pompadour: Controlling the Gaze
Rococo Eroticism in 18th Century Popular Culture
John Lavery in Morocco: Orientalism and the Academy
Hazel Lavery and the Politics of Display
Hilda Rix Nicholas in Morocco
The Dream by Henri Rousseau
Henri Rousseau's The Sleeping Gypsy
Restaging the Nude: Matisse's Dance
Cezanne’s Bather: Masculinity and Movement
Max Dupain (1911-1992): Australian Men on the Beach
Frida Kahlo's Fulang-Chang and I
Frida Kahlo: Self Portrait with Cropped Hair
Myth and Sexuality: Glyn Philpot's Oedipus
Australian Indigenous Visual Culture