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Notes on video lecture:
Soldiers, Chivalry, and Men of Feeling
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
epitome, elegance, poverty, sitters, 18th, beast, Descartes, emaciated, animal, trepanned, Ligonier, head, viewer, peasantry, rural, workers, Bath, cruelty, risk, living, brilliancy, healed, Hutcheson, emotional, sensibility, father
Gainsborough's portrait "Lieutenant General Edward                 "
shows relationship between man and           
"it was possible to judge a Gainsborough's portrait as if it were a              person"
we have the sense when confronting one of his paintings that we are confronting someone personally
e.g. going about their daily business on the streets of         , where Gainsborough lived
imparted the compassion of his subject, human and             
and their ability to express fine feelings
Gainsborough remarked in a letter to one of his               
he was sorry that his sons had not found favor with the picture
that they were hoping to see more                      in the eyes
but Gainsborough said that instead of brilliancy, he aimed to convey in the eyes tenderness and humanity expressive of goodness
relationship between animals and humans
in dog's in particular
reflects his own attitude to animals
a highly sensitive individual and a non-conformist
having been brought up in the low church
influenced by the sermons that his              read in their own church
Gainsborough took up the church's drive against the                to animals in a determined way
painted in the late          century
Cartesian theory was asserting a strong influence
was opposed to                   ' mechanistic views
believe that animals were also intelligent,                    beings
his views were democratic and anti-anthropocentric
the 18th century gentleman was often represented with his hound
often though of symbolic of aristocratic masculinity
painting: Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch
has both his arms around his loving hound
the dog sits up straight staring at the             
a man of                       
a lively and delicate feeling, a quick sense of the right and wrong in all human actions and other objects considered in every view of morality and taste
the expression of sensibility
John Locke, Francis                   , and Adam Smith
in poetry, literature, and images
regarded the moral regulation of society during a period of great change
when industry, commerce, and the disruption of            life threated to upset civil society
the poor were naturally objects
Gainsborough represented them in a compassionate way
Cottage Door in San Marino
18th century Britain
had attained a level of                  and liberty to rival ancient times
sensibility was a means to express one's moral sense in a cultural refinement
a hallmark of a person with the natural world
in Gainsborough's representation of St. George and the Duke of Buccleuch, there is an emotional relationship with their dogs as affectionate companions
a kind of                of refined sensibility
painting: Richard St George Mansergh - St George
playing with contrasts of portraying both a military man who is also a person of sensibility
in the opening volleys in the battle of Germantown
St. George was shot in the         
taken from the field, and                   , leaving him with a hole in the side of his skull
the wound was covered with a disfiguring silver plate
habitually covered by Saint George, with a black silk cap and it never             
"he now lives with a considerable part of his head shot away, and though feeble,                   , and in almost constant pain, his imagination and his virtues have lost nothing of their vigor"
"his whole deportment, romance, his style of acting, seemed formed by the ideas of         "
was very concerned with the state of                on his state
appalled by the                on his state
published estate of affairs lamenting the state of Irish                   


low church, n. a term of distinction in the Church of England or other Anglican churches initially designed to be pejorative. Those who favored the theology, worship, and hierarchical structure of Anglicanism, such as the episcopate, as the true form of Christianity, began referring to that outlook and its related practices as the high church. In contrast, by the early 18th century, those theologians and politicians who sought more reform in the English church and a greater liberalization of church structure, were called low church. Low church, in an Anglican context, denotes the church's simplicity or Protestant emphasis, and high church denotes an emphasis on ritual or, later, Anglo-Catholicism.  "Having been brought up in the low church, and no doubt influenced by the sermons that his own father read sometimes in their own church, Gainsborough took up the church's drive against the cruelty to animals in a determined way."
trepanation, n. based on the Greek word "trypanon", literally "borer" or "auger", a surgical intervention in which a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull. In the Middle Ages, holes were drilled into a person's head who was behaving in what was considered an abnormal way to let out what they believed were evil spirits. Later in the 18th and 19th centuries, trepanation was also a primitive emergency surgery after head wounds to remove shattered bits of bone from a fractured skull and clean out the blood that often pools under the skull after a blow to the head.  "In the opening volleys in the battle of Germantown, St. George was shot in the head and taken from the field where he was trepanned, leaving him with a hole in the side of his skull. The wound was later hidden with a disfiguring silver plate habitually covered by Saint George with a black silk cap and it never healed. He lived thereafter with a considerable part of his head shot away, and though feeble, emaciated, and in almost constant pain, his imagination and his virtues have nothing of their vigor."

Ideas and Concepts:

Subtlety in 18th century portraits via this morning's Sexing the Canvas class:

"It has been said that it is possible to judge a Gainsborough's portrait as if it were a living person. We have the sense when viewing one of the subjects in his portraits that we are confronting someone personally, as if they were going about their daily business on the streets of Bath, where Gainsborough lived for much of his life.

Gainsborough imparted the compassion of his subject, both human and animal, and their ability to express fine feelings. He once remarked in a letter to one of his sitters that he was sorry that his sons had not found favor with the portrait he had painted, that they were hoping to see more brilliancy in the eyes. But Gainsborough responded that instead of brilliancy, he rather aimed to convey in the eyes tenderness and humanity, expressive of goodness."
What it meant to be a man of sensibility in the 18th century, via tonight's Sexing the Canvas course: "a lively and delicate feeling, a quick sense of the right and wrong in all human actions and other objects considered in every view of morality and taste"
Tiepolo´s Cleopatra: Agency in Paint
The Political and Sexual Agency of Cleopatra
Gainesborough and 18th Century Effeminism
Soldiers, Chivalry, and Men of Feeling
Gainsborough's Portrait of Karl Friedrich Abel
The Ligoniers: The Tensions of Gender in Paint
Effeminacy and the Culture of Sensibility
Gainsborough's Cottage Door: Charity and Sensibility
Seduction in Boucher's pastoral paintings
Boucher's Madame de Pompadour: Controlling the Gaze
Rococo Eroticism in 18th Century Popular Culture
John Lavery in Morocco: Orientalism and the Academy
Hazel Lavery and the Politics of Display
Hilda Rix Nicholas in Morocco
The Dream by Henri Rousseau
Henri Rousseau's The Sleeping Gypsy
Restaging the Nude: Matisse's Dance
Cezanne’s Bather: Masculinity and Movement
Max Dupain (1911-1992): Australian Men on the Beach
Frida Kahlo's Fulang-Chang and I
Frida Kahlo: Self Portrait with Cropped Hair
Myth and Sexuality: Glyn Philpot's Oedipus
Australian Indigenous Visual Culture