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Notes on video lecture:
Bach's Monumental Chaconne
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
solo, six, dances, instrumental, church, serious, independence, momentum, venue, dance, size, five, Ciaconna, difficult, cantatas, devil, Spanish, triple
over the course of the Baroque period
instrumental music continued to gain                          over vocal music
many of the music works in opera made their way into purely                          works
a style of delivery in operas, oratorios, and                 , in which a singer is allowed to adopt the rhythms of ordinary speech
four categories of Baroque instrumental music
         of ensemble
large ensemble such as an orchestra
smaller chamber ensemble
solo instrument
for private entertainment
type of work
a composition in a series of varying sections in slow              time
chamber of small theater
Italian and French (dance suite)
a set of variations
work for a single instrument
a suite, typically for a solo instrument or chamber ensemble
         dance movements
Bach: Partita in D minor for Violin, BWV 1004
Ciaconna (chaconne)
one of Spain's most popular              from the early 1600 until the 1630s
"The chaconne was often condemned for its suggestive movements and mocking texts, which spared not even the clergy, and was said to have been invented by the           . Few could reportedly resist the call to join the dance, regardless of their station in life."
was banned by              at one point
evolved into a fine dance of the French court
triple meter
variations over a repeated bass line or harmonic progressive
similar to passacaglia
built on small repeated units that end with a cadence (sequence of notes or chords comprising the close of a musical phrase) leading into the next unit
the repetition is continuous
the chaconne
Bach wrote three sonatas and three partitas for the solo violin
as early as 1703 while working in Weimar alongside Johann Paul von Westhoff
a dance suite
but Bach's partitas are quite                in character
the piece is                    to play
to keep a sense of development and forward                 
Bach wrote Sei Solo as the title of these pieces, which means        solos, but in proper Italian should have been Sei Soli, although Sei Solo means: you are alone

Ideas and Concepts:

Musical term learned via tonight's Western Music History class: "passacaglia, n. a musical form that originated in early seventeenth-century Spain, built on small repeated units that end with a cadence leading into the next unit so that the repetition is continuous"
Ancient Musical Notation
Medieval Chant Notation
Ars Nova, New Rhythm in the 14th Century
Musical Terms and Notation
The Baroque Era (1600-1750)
18th Century Baroque Improvisation
The Bach Family and the International Style of Baroque
Bach's Monumental Chaconne
The Classical Era (1750-1815)