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Notes on video lecture:
How Ancient People Wrote about Their Place in History: Polybius and Daniel
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Seleucid, historian, Histories, empires, Greek, powers, Jewish, hostage, Scipio, Nebuchadnezzar, iron, inevitability
strategies of talking about their place in history
often ancient histories gave reasons for the succession of               
Polybius (200BC-118BC)
noted for his work: The                   , which covered 264 BC to 146 BC
the rise of the Roman Republic to world power
separation of              in government
a time of ethnic ferment
talks about a succession of empires
Lacadaemonians (Spartans)
Macedonians (Philip and Alexander the Great)
says nothing compares with Roman rule
describes Roman rule as an                           
was taken to Rome as a                of the Roman forces
he taught in elite Roman households, including that of              the Younger, who captured Carthage in 146 BCE
Scipio the Younger (185–129 BC)
commanded at the final siege and destruction of Carthage in 146 BC
Polybius went with Scipio to North Africa to see the campaigns there
says the study of history is necessary for education in politics
saw the Romans subjecting "the whole inhabited world to their sole government" as a thing unique in history
teaches how Fortune, in the Roman period both a concept and a goddess, allowed the Roman Empire to succeed
Book of Daniel
set in Babylonia in sixth century BCE
story of Daniel,              exile and prophet
thought through events of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a                  king who desecrated the temple in Jerusalem in 167 BCE.
attempted to Hellenize Jews to make them more           
Daniel's role as a prophet, as a great dream interpreter
in the day, dreams were treated as prophecy if it could be interpreted properly
explains the dream
huge statue before king
head was of gold
statue breaks
stone becomes a great mountain
not a great story for kings
kingdom of         , and kingdom of iron and clay
King                              (634 BC - 562 BC)
created Neo-Babylonian Empire
created Hanging Gardens of Babylon
the story of the succession of empires focuses on the area of Judea, and long-time contested territory
long before Paul conceded to go up to Jerusalem to meet James and the other "pillars"
God's empire will end the succession of empires
both Daniel's history and Polybius' history talk about the reasons certain empires have come to power over others


synoptic, adj. presenting a summary of the principal parts or a general view of the whole  "Polybuis' history offers a synoptic view, i.e. he says that he puts together all of the world and explains it."
magus (pl. magi), n. [MAY-guhs, MAY-gee] a magician or sorcerer of ancient times  "In the book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar has a dream, and Daniel is the magus who can interpret it."


who created the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?
King Nebuchadnezzar
who wrote "The Histories" around 120 BC?
who was Rome's first emperor?
Octavian, as he was called until his great-uncle, Julius Caesar, adopted him, then Augustus, took power in 27 BC
Iranian/Levant empire 312 BC - 63 BC
Seleucid [sel-LOO-sid] Empire
empire 626 BC - 539 BC in present day Iraq to Levant
Neo-Babylonian Empire (Nebuchadnezzar, near end)
who commanded at the final siege and destruction of Carthage
Scipio the Younger (185–129 BC)
Paul's Letters: Authorship and Audience
Form and Physicality of Ancient Letter Writing
Paul's Letter Writing Within the Tradition of Ancient Rhetoric
Ancient Responses to the Letters of Paul
How Ancient People Wrote about Their Place in History: Polybius and Daniel
Four Stories of Empire in Judea: Babylonian, Macedonian, Seleucid, and Roman
The Roman Empire's Knowledge of Early Christian Communities
Josephus on the Definition of Jew and Christian in the Ancient World
Understanding the Historical Josephus
The Priene Inscription
Intertwining of Religion and Politics in the Roman Empire
Letters to the Corinthians
Slavery and Freedom in Roman Corinth
Slavery in First Corinthians