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Notes on video lecture:
Slavery and Freedom in Roman Corinth
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
ex, benefactors, oxen, Kenchreai, ownership, statue, slave, coalescing, Theodosius, leading, masters, Poseidon, Attica, Caesar, manifest, Mummius, women, ashes, children, Greek, Achaia, slavery, prostitution, veil, freedperson, women, Isthmian, price, Rome, destroyed
slavery and freedom
1 Corinthians 6:20
"You were bought with a           "
1 Corinthians 7:17, 21-24
"For he who was called in the Lord as a slave is a                        of the Lord. Likewise s/he who was free when called is a slave of Christ. You were bought with a price, do not become slaves of humans."
1 Corinthians 9:19
"For though I am free from all, I have made myself            to all, in order that I might win the more."
1 Corinthians 1:11
"It's been reported to me by Chloe's people."
146 BCE Corinth was                   
Roman general                had been appointed to take command of the Achaean War
all the men of Corinth were put to the sword, the women and children were sold into               , and the statues, paintings and works of art were seized and shipped to Rome
Corinth was then reduced to           
the Roman senate wanted to dispel a dangerous commercial rival
44 BCE refounded as a Roman colony by Julius             
then again emerged as a                city on the Peloponnese [Πελοπόννησος]
became great again under Augustus
became capital of senatorial Roman province             
lay on trade route which connected ancient              to the Peloponnese
ports Lechaion to north and                    to the south
near town of Isthmia
where                  Games were held
since the games' inception, Corinth had always been in control of them
after Caesar rebuilt Corinth in 44 BC, Corinth recovered                    of the Games between 7 BC and AD 3 AD
the games continued until                      (347-395), the last emperor to rule over both the eastern and the western halves of the Roman Empire, and the emperor who establishes Christianity as Rome's State Religion
to transfer ships from the Saronic Gulf to the Gulf of Corinth, ships had to deal with Corinth
controlled a 7-meter paved roadway called the Diolkos
allowed          to drag ships or cargo across
lay between two ports
1 Corinthians mention prostitution and women who were prophets
some argue that the city was a metropolitan hotbed of urban sins
archeological evidence doesn't indicate that Corinth was anything unusual
no greater freedom for           
no cultural constitution of                         
some assume that the apostles came to correct or bleach out this culture context than to work within it
was important to         
official inscriptions were in Latin
unofficial inscriptions were in           
statue of Augustus
may have been a              located in the Julian hall
toga is pulled over Augustus' head like a         
indicates that the emperor is offering a sacrifice
right hand probably held a patera
this motif of veiling was associated with Augustus' role of pontifex maximus
a function he assumed in 12 BCE
the statue may date from that year to the year 14 CE when he died
reminds us of two things
1. Roman power was                  in the Corinthian forum
veiling of a man's head indicated his piety before the gods, his correct ritual practice
2. in 1 Corinthians 11, Paul says that only            should be veiled when they pray or prophesy, while men should not be
Roman Corinth
repopulated not by military veterans, but by     -slaves
coins from the first century CE that a mix of freed men and traders populated the city
Caesar made exceptions for colonies he founded
ex-slaves may have been very rich
tied by a patronage system to their masters in Rome
conducted business on their                behalf
a place of potential social and upward mobility
those of low status could attain status and wealth
we find                        and gifts from free persons
Gnaius Babbius Philinus
pontifex, i.e. priest
held important, governmental offices in Corinth
at the time of the                      of the Corinthian Ecclesia
benefactor of the fountain of                 
two inscriptions include an "L", an abbreviation for "libertus", or freed men
freed persons and their                  could advance socially


patera, n. a shallow ceramic or metal libation bowl used for the ritual pouring of a liquid as an offering to a god, often having a bulbous indentation in the center underside to facilitate holding it, and typically having no handles, and no feet  "A statue of Augustus has a toga pulled over his right shoulder which indicated he was offering a sacrifice, his right arm was probably holding a patera."
Paul's Letters: Authorship and Audience
Form and Physicality of Ancient Letter Writing
Paul's Letter Writing Within the Tradition of Ancient Rhetoric
Ancient Responses to the Letters of Paul
How Ancient People Wrote about Their Place in History: Polybius and Daniel
Four Stories of Empire in Judea: Babylonian, Macedonian, Seleucid, and Roman
The Roman Empire's Knowledge of Early Christian Communities
Josephus on the Definition of Jew and Christian in the Ancient World
Understanding the Historical Josephus
The Priene Inscription
Intertwining of Religion and Politics in the Roman Empire
Letters to the Corinthians
Slavery and Freedom in Roman Corinth
Slavery in First Corinthians