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Notes on video lecture:
The Turning Point in Church Reform
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
deputies, nobility, heresy, tithes, clergy, fulcrum, rankles, priests, citizen, closed, privilege, Catholic, Jews, Gossec, reform, commoners, west, commoner, radical, concern, 1791, theocracies, oath, limited, anathema, souls, God, Paris, administrative, nation, half
unresolved issues in 1790-        
creating tensions between supporters of the revolution and and those who thought that its reformers were too               
the reforms to the Church
the National Assembly includes many members of clerical                  to the Estates General
the majority were parish               
very popular because they were the people who started to break rank with                    in 1789
joined with the Third Estate, i.e. the                  deputies
a great deal of good will toward the parish clergy of France
when people celebrated the achievements of the first year of the Revolution in 1790, the music written for that occasion by François-Joseph              (1734-1829)
expresses popular                  beliefs
       is watching over the developments of the French Revolution
everyone believes that the Revolution needs to              the church
even the parish clergy
the Assembly takes actions which begin to                the members of the First Estate
First Estate:             
Second Estate:                 
Third Estate:                   
Assembly resolves the fiscal crisis of the Monarchy by seizing Church property to be sold off at auction
concerned that          have been giving equal rights to Catholics
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
attempt of the National Assembly to apply reforms to the church, administrative matters
salaries and             
churches and chapels
assembly decided there are too many churches
many smaller chapels are to be              down
this                people
introduces election by active citizens
just as elections to the local                              council
this was too much of a change for the members of the Church, who believed that authority from the people instead of from God
this change seemed to be                 
any clergy had to take an          to be faithful to the nation
they try to take a                oath
in secular matters I respect the             
but they were not able to be full priests
         the parish priests are ready to take the oath
Pope declares that the French Revolution is anathema
the priests that take the oath are guilty of             
will be excommunicated
the church was therefore torn apart
in the northwest and          very few priests were prepared to take the oath
in           , most were prepared to take the oath
in Brittany, the small parishes functioned as tiny                       , and pledging an oath to the French nation was too much of a change
the priest provides the                of the community
a community of           
in the southeast
there were concentrated villages
the mass of the parish clergy saw themselves as                priests

Spelling Corrections:

An Introduction to the French Revolution
The Essentials of 18th Century France
18th Century French Clergy and Nobility
The Importance of Regionalism and Locality in 18th Century France
The Contribution of the Philosophes to the French Revolution
What were People of 18th Century France Reading?
The Atlantic Democratic Revolution and the Republic of Letters
1780s France Financial Crisis and its Repercussions
The Third Estate in Revolt
The Peasantry in Revolt
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The October Days
1789-91: Making the New Nation
Unresolved Issues of the Revolution
The Turning Point in Church Reform