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Notes on video lecture:
1789-91: Making the New Nation
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
advise, prayers, feudalism, citizens, political, estates, constitutional, today, disappeared, nation, king, gone, seigneurial, 83, role, Basque, cathedral, map, remake, excluded, mars, dispatching, salt, 1789, suspensive, property, talent, oath, auction, French, popular, repassed, Thionville, humanitarian, frontier, sixty, celebrate, resigned, 18th, England
1789-1791: attempts by the National Assembly to              the new France
National Assembly
May 1789, deptuties chosen to be the representatives of the three estates
National Assembly is made up for these three                had come together to be the National Assembly
those who could not work with this body had                  and left
charged with implementing the revolutionary principles of          monarchy
regenerate a new France on very different principles
1. absolute monarchy -->                              monarchy
2. divine right -->                sovereignty
3. hierarchy of birth --> merit and             
demonstrated capacity rather than the claims of birth
4. partial abolition of                   
two immediate problems
1.                    power
the Declaration of Rights of Man Citizen had claimed that all sovereignty resided in the             
the law was to be the expression of the general will
what did "all                 " actually mean?
who should actually participate?
what should the role of the          be?
the king had originally called the Estates General together to advise him
a few months later he is expected to behave as a constitutional monarchy
various sections of the population are                 
men who don't own sufficient                  on which a certain level of taxes is paid
distinction between active and passive citizens
active citizens were about 60% of adult men
Louis XVI will be given a                      veto
a veto by which a law is merely suspended until reconsidered by the legislature and becomes a law if                  by an ordinary majority
2. bankruptcy
Louis XVI had called the Estates General together to              him on dealing with the fiscal crisis
this crisis had not          away
seized church property
6% sold off at               
used as the backing for a new revolutionary currency called the "assignat"
this property was called "biens nationaux"
on the bill was a picture of Louis XVI, "King of the             "
no longer Louis the XVI "King of France" by the grace of God
an enormous gulf for that man to cross in his understanding of his own         
institutional arrangements of          century France
large differences in taxes, particularly on         
internal custom houses as well as external ones
differences in terms of weights and measures across the country
customary law of the north
written law of the south
           different provincial law codes
privileged orders, clergy and nobility had their own systems of law
Breton, Catalan,             , and many other dialects
France in the 18th century bears the imprint of centuries of state making
land that is divided in terms of regions
national assembly's goal
rationalize and make simpler and more efficient the        of France
create      departments of roughly the same size, 100 kilometers in diameter on average
each with a capital
still the basis of administrative life           
in every one department
one single set of administrative arrangements
                   in every department
taxation and the law will be the same in every one
custom houses will be rolled back to the                 
uniform laws, rights and responsibilities
equal citizens of a new order
legal system
abolished all privilege arrangements for privileged orders
outlawed torture
jury trials
justices of the peace
looked to the Netherlands and               
replaced old                        courts
debate on capital punishment
kept for a handful of the most serious crimes such as treason
one way to put someone to death: the guillotine
the most painless way of                        someone
first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille
Champ-de-        , July 14, 1790
where Eiffel Tower is today
turned into large, flat space
suitable for celebrating this event
seems as those every Parisian turns up to                   
Alter of the Homeland
Louis XVI takes         
Talleyrand reads               
Lafayette, head of National Guard
celebrated, united for the future
played out across the kingdom
alters of the homeland
almost all have                       
one left, in                     
oaths of 1790

Ideas and Concepts:

From the 18th century demotions department, via tonight's History of the French Revolution class: "Louis XVI had called the Estates General together to advise him on dealing with the fiscal crisis, and in a few months, by a surprise turn of events, the National Assembly was in power. Nevertheless, the original financial crisis had not gone away, and so they subsequently seized church property ("biens nationaux"), selling 6% off at auction to use as backing for a new revolutionary currency called the Assignat. Notice this bill has a picture of Louis XVI on it with his new title "King of the French", i.e. no longer Louis the XVI "King of France" by the grace of God, an enormous gulf for one man to cross in his understanding of his own role."
An Introduction to the French Revolution
The Essentials of 18th Century France
18th Century French Clergy and Nobility
The Importance of Regionalism and Locality in 18th Century France
The Contribution of the Philosophes to the French Revolution
What were People of 18th Century France Reading?
The Atlantic Democratic Revolution and the Republic of Letters
1780s France Financial Crisis and its Repercussions
The Third Estate in Revolt
The Peasantry in Revolt
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
The October Days
1789-91: Making the New Nation
Unresolved Issues of the Revolution
The Turning Point in Church Reform