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Notes on video lecture:
The Fourth Amendment: Protection from Unreasonable Search and Seizure
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Ohio, compensate, First, bombing, former, government, goat, pornography, searched, where, share, paper, Chinese, effects, innocent, third, online, prosecution, verdict, exclusionary, Internet, hide, private, Fourth, judge, house, warrant, Mapp, guilty, twenty
Penn Law has this          as mascot
based on                legend that a goat would decide who was guilty
Dollree          (1923-2014)
1957, police searched her            looking for someone
she know she was protected to tell them no if they didn't have a               
she asked to see the warrant
most of us have learned about warrants from the TV or movies
but a warrant actually comes from the              Amendment
must be specific about what is to be searched, where and who is going to be                 
must be signed by a            who is neutral who can determine that probable cause actually exists
Police didn't have a warrant in Dollree's case
they had gotten a tip that a                suspect might be hiding in Mapp's house
they came in anyway and waved around a piece of            they claimed was a warrant
they didn't find the bombing suspect
but they found a trunk that had belonged to a              tenant
inside was                       
was illegal in          at the time
today, possessing pornography is protected by the            Amendment
Fourth Amendment
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and               , against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probably cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
evidence that's obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment cannot be used by the government in a criminal                       
it helped Dollree Mapp
it protects              people
if guilty people don't get these rights, it is a slippery slope into not granting them to                  people
two problems
but it excludes relevant evidence, so it doesn't contribute to the accuracy of a               
almost only protects the guilty
maybe we should instead not have the rule and                      innocent people
would be rights that benefit the innocent directly
exceptions to the Fourth Amendment protections
Supreme Court has said that the Fourth Amendment doesn't protect you if you give information to a            party, and the police get that information from them
Fourth Amendment protects your privacy
if you            information with someone, you can't expect it to be private anymore
but technological change affects this exception
it used to be if you didn't want anyone to know where you were going, what you were reading
you could          the information pretty easily
they way we live now, though, it is not so easy to keep information about you               
if you carry a cell phone, your phone company knows            you have been
if you read your news on the                 , your service provider knows that you read
if you buy books             , the companies where you buy these books know
and the government can learn all of these things without any Fourth Amendment protections
the balance between privacy and                      knowledge has changed
a rule that the court created is working differently in today's world than it did              years ago
Why We Needed a Constitution
Creating the Constitution
Structural, Backward-Looking, and Forward-Looking Provisions
Article I: The Legislative Branch
Article II: The Executive Branch
Article III: The Judicial Branch
The Bill of Rights
The Progressive Amendments: 16, 17, 18, and 19
Freedom of Speech
The Supreme Court and the Free Exercise of Religion Clause
The Establishment Clause
The Fourth Amendment: Protection from Unreasonable Search and Seizure
The Fifth Amendment and the Miranda Warning
The Sixth Amendment