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Notes on video lecture:
Creating the Constitution
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
views, tension, Federalism, interstate, civic, higher, embarrassed, ethically, Indians, failed, federal, thirds, 1800, Congress, infallible, congress, tyrannical, rights, cooperate, bondage, fourths, Virginia, nine, slavery, supreme, trusted, supreme, returned, free
the Revolution succeeded by the Articles of Confederation             
there is a                between these first two lessons of American history
the delegates represent states with many different           
the Revolution teaches that a general government can become                      and the states can stand up to defend the liberty of their citizens
the failure of the Articles of Confederation teaches that states can't be relied on to                    effectively, so some              institution has to keep them in line
the Constitution accommodates these competing ideas in a novel way, called                     
the federal government will handle some things, and in the areas where it has power, its power is                international relations, commerce between the states
the states will handle other areas and in those areas they will be supreme
what does the Constitution do?
Article I: creates the Federal government
Section I creates                 
6-year terms
elected by legislatures (changed by 17th Amendment)
represent states
each state 2 senators
House of Representatives
2-year terms
elected by voters
represent citizens
determined by free persons and                not taxed, and 3/5 of all other persons
the 3/5 is a compromise over               
the Framers were                        over slavery, and the Constitution never uses the word "slave"
slave states said they want representation based on their population including their slaves
the non-slave states were of the opinion that the slave states didn't represent their slaves and so weren't allowed to have extra voices in the federal government based on people that they held in                and denied their rights
both sides care about this because they see that the federal government might have the power to protect or to end slavery
it can pass laws on certain topics
the main point was the Federal power was limited
who in the federal government will enforce the laws?
no one did under the Articles of Confederation
Article II: creates the Executive branch
elected through a complicated process that soon gets changed
three-fifths law was working here
of the first five presidents, four were from the slave state of                 
Thomas Jefferson would have lost in          if not for the three-fifths compromise
should enforce the laws that congress makes
be commander in chief of armed forces for the wars that                  declares
he can appoint some people
can make treaties that require congressional approval
over time we will see power shift from congress to president
Article III creates the Supreme court
power to hear certain kind of cases
where there is a                interest at stake
where a state court can not be               
there are four more articles to the Constitution but they are relatively brief
Article IV
Fugitive Slave Clause
before constitution, if a slave escaped to a          state, that state could decide if he were to become free
but this law stated that slaves remain slaves no matter where they go and must be                  to their owners
Article V
the Constitution recognizes that its not perfect
however, it is difficult to amend the constitution
two-             of House and Senate
three-               of states
in America we have no official religion, but we have something similar, a            religion, which is based on the Constitution
some people think the Constitution its                     , but its not
there were some                    terrible provisions in the original Constitution, such as Fugitive Slave Clause
almost all of the              that we have today were not in the original Constitution
they come from the amendments
Article VI
Federal law is                to state law in the areas where it has the power to act
Article VII
violates the Articles of Confederation
the Constitution shall be effective upon the ratification of just          states

Ideas and Concepts:

Via tonight's Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases class: "The framers of the Constitution were embarrassed over slavery, and the Constitution never uses the word "slave", but Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3, which determines the amount of representation in the House of Representatives, contains the phrase "three fifths of all other Persons" which is referring to slaves and which was a compromise reached between delegates from slave states and non-slave states. Slave states insisted that they receive representation based on their populations including the slaves they owned. The non-slave states were of the opinion that slave states shouldn't be allowed to have an extra voice in the federal government for persons they owned, held in bondage, and denied the rights of. Both sides cared about this issue deeply because they could see that the federal government would eventually have the power to either protect or to end slavery. And so the compromise was struck, and the Three-Fifths Compromise gave a disproportionate representation of slave states in the House of Representatives relative to the voters in the North for more than a quarter century until the Civil War ended in a victory for the North."
Why We Needed a Constitution
Creating the Constitution
Structural, Backward-Looking, and Forward-Looking Provisions
Article I: The Legislative Branch
Article II: The Executive Branch
Article III: The Judicial Branch
The Bill of Rights
The Progressive Amendments: 16, 17, 18, and 19
Freedom of Speech
The Supreme Court and the Free Exercise of Religion Clause
The Establishment Clause
The Fourth Amendment: Protection from Unreasonable Search and Seizure
The Fifth Amendment and the Miranda Warning
The Sixth Amendment