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Notes on video lecture:
The Sixth Amendment
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
lesbians, appointed, Florida, confront, pencil, law, money, serve, Gideon, rough, fairer, common, Constitution, peers, plea, compulsory, doubt, defendant, death, mistaken, impartial, testify, electrician, afford, procedure, contest, deliberation, three, five, complicated
write to have a lawyer
Clarence Earl             
had a            life
father died when he was           
made it through the 8th grade
ran away, drifted away
ran into trouble with the law
1961 was working as an                       
someone broke into a pool room and stole           
someone accused Clarence of the crime
couldn't              a lawyer
at the time, the state of Florida would only appoint a lawyer for you in a            penalty case
Gideon represented himself
criminal defense is                       
you have to know many rules regarding evidence and                   
he hadn't been to        school or even high school
for possibly stealing a couple dollars, he gets convicted for          years
while he's in jail, he started reading the U.S.                         
the Constitution was written so that              people can understand it
he reads the Sixth Amendment
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have                      process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense."
he felt that when                tried him without giving him a lawyer, it violated this right
the Sixth Amendment doesn't apply to the states, but through the 14th Amendment it does
Gideon writes a petition in              to the Supreme Court of Florida
catches the court's attention
they take the case and rule 9-0 for him
Gideon gets new lawyer
jury acquits him only have an hour of                         
other rights in the sixth amendment
ensure a fair trial
the right to be told what the charges against you are
you have the right to                  the witnesses against you
cross examine them
have the right to bring people in to                for you, even against their will
right to a speedy and public trial by an                    jury
the right to a counsel and a right to a jury are similar in one way
both work to ensure that the                    is not alone
the jury is not on your side, but they are not on the government's side either
they are your           
they represent the people
the Sixth Amendment makes the trial             
reduce                  convictions
supports "proof beyond a reasonable           "
when there are mistakes, it should be on the side of acquitting the guilty instead of convicting the innocent
the cost of mistaken acquittals is worth bearing
the sixth amendment leads to more guilty people being acquitted
but this is not as true as you might think
90 to 95% of all cases end with a          bargain
even more true for                    lawyers
so what the Sixth Amendment means in most cases is that you have a lawyer to negotiate your plea bargain
with a plea bargain, the government says, "we think you did something very bad, and we're willing to go to court to prove this, but if you agree to admit that you did something slightly less bad, then we won't have the trial, and offer to you, accept the lesser charge, but don't                it"
differences between right to jury and right to a lawyer
who can serve on a jury has always been an issue for certain people
gays and                 
when we think about the jury right, we shouldn't think of this just as a right for the defendant
a right to            and play a role in the administration of justice
today people want to get out of jury service

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

American civil rights history via tonight's U.S. Constitution class: "As late as 1961, laws were upheld which did not make women's jury service mandatory because of their "special status" referring back to a previous decision in the 1800's. But in 1975 in the case of Taylor v. Louisiana, the Supreme Court reversed its 1961 position about the 6th amendment rights of criminal defendants, and from then on held that the exclusion of women from juries was impermissible, arguing that women were a distinctive group and sufficiently numerous and distinct form men that jury pools without them are a violation of a defendant's right to be tried before a true cross-section or the community, "If there was ever the case that women were unqualified to sit on juries or were so situated that none of them should be required to perform jury service, that time has long since passed."
Why We Needed a Constitution
Creating the Constitution
Structural, Backward-Looking, and Forward-Looking Provisions
Article I: The Legislative Branch
Article II: The Executive Branch
Article III: The Judicial Branch
The Bill of Rights
The Progressive Amendments: 16, 17, 18, and 19
Freedom of Speech
The Supreme Court and the Free Exercise of Religion Clause
The Establishment Clause
The Fourth Amendment: Protection from Unreasonable Search and Seizure
The Fifth Amendment and the Miranda Warning
The Sixth Amendment