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Notes on video lecture:
Phenomenological Superposition
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
layers, consciousness, pure, reversal, interpretation, duck, perceive, Reinhardt, sky, non, hidden, moving, context, interpretation, changing
the concept that every object has parts that we can't see              behind parts that we can
but semi-sensation is not the only way that what we see goes beyond the senses
look at the         -rabbit
make the                  as many times as you can in five seconds
in what way is the object you are looking at                 ?
since the image is not changing, the changes taking place are non-sensory, and yet it is a difference we                 
the difference is super-sensory but not semi-sensory as we imagine the back side of a cube
we can never simply experience sensory perception pure and simple
if we look at a blue square, it could be:
the        over your head
modern painting by Ad                   
a wall of someone's bedroom
the blue screen of death
an example in a MOOC
a stimulus in a pyschology experiment on color perception
to see the blue just as the color blue is an                              just as is all the rest
even if we try to limit our seeing to the color and nothing else, we are making an interpretation
whatever                we have, e.g. being in an art museum or a house or a psychology lab, remains in consciousness as a super-sensory element of what we see
we never experience a sensation of blue without interpretation, even the idea of          blue is an interpretation
in all these cases, both the sensory and the non-sensory are in our conscious experience at the same time
we can think of experience as being made of              of sensory and non-sensory elements
coexistence of features or properties bound to single entities, including sensory and       -sensory properties
e.g. of a              cube, the visible sides of the cube travel together with their hidden sides
e.g. when the gray line drawing can be seen as two images
a general aspect of                           
look around you
all the objects you see have back sides
although there are borderline cases
everything around us has layers of                             
we never see the world as simple sensation

Ideas and Concepts:

The perception predicament, via this afternoon's phenomenology class:

"Contrary to what often seems apparent, we can never simply experience a sensory perception pure and simple. For example, when we look at a blue square, it could be a picture of the sky, a modern painting by Ad Reinhardt, a wall of someone's bedroom, the blue screen of death, an example in a lecture, or a stimulus in a psychology experiment on color perception.

To see the blue square just as the color blue is merely another interpretation just are as all the rest. Even if we try to limit our seeing to the color and nothing else, we are providing a context and thus making an interpretation. Whatever this context is, e.g. being in an art museum or a house or a psychology lab, or talking about the color blue, it remains in our consciousness as a super-sensory element of what we see and this context colors our constitution of whatever it is we hold in thought."
Principles of Phenomenology
Semi-sensations and Positional Consciousness
Phenomenological Superposition
Epoché: The Suspended Attitude
The Principle of Interpretive Exclusivity
The Invariance of Intentionality
Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Intentionality
Internal Time Consciousness
The Experience of the Now