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Notes on video lecture:
The Principle of Interpretive Exclusivity
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
banana, differing, Exclusivity, 1938, invariant, Freiburg, entire, once, cogitarum, evidence, real, sensory, reflection, sequentially, London, sum, 20th, fails, awareness, mundane, verification, tricked, mathematics, experiences, fact, foundations, above, questioning, hidden, sky, confidence, doubting, humans
phenomenology emerged near the turn of the          century
one main goal of phenomenology is to enrich your perception and                      as your live your life from day to day
emerged from 20th century European philosophy
founder was Edmund Husserl (1859-        )
was a professor at Göttingen and                  Universities
began his academic career studying                       
Latin, "I think"
philosophers use it because of Descartes famous statement "cogito ergo       "
Descartes uses cogito to cover every mental act, even acts like                 
cogito becomes short-hand for all the activity of consciousness
cogitare = to think
                   = what thought is about
the world is constituted by acts of                   
there is considerable flexibility in the constituted world
the concept epoché [ἐποχή] is the suspension of belief in the         , we regard the real as if it were fiction, we get behind it, and thus experience it as malleable, the world is still there right in front of us, but it is a world that consciousness makes, not the world of physics
one often may find that the concept of epoché begins to shake one's                     s in the outside world
there is a limit to this game of                       
Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy
wonders if one can one trust one's senses
yet one can be                by thoughts
there is no reliable way to distinguish whether one is awake or asleep
many of our dreams are                experiences of ordinary situations, at least in sections, and this could be one of those
epoché provokes the question what is reality
this is a cliché for the discipline of philosophy
if the world could be a dream, then our confidence in reality is reduced
how to move from taking the convincing evidence that this is true from the duck/rabbit examples
and give convincing                  that much of what we know is indeed who it seems to be
example: six-sided figure
did you notice that it is a playground merry-go-round seen from           ?
did you also notice that it is a representation of              or of Purple Haze or the square root of -1, Hillary Clinton?
yes, but only in a stretched metaphor of interpretation
there are an infinite number of interpretations but not every interpretation is as accurate as the next based on other                        that we have
example: two rectangles, one on top of the other
it could be an abstract representation of a beach below a       , or a receding floor below a curtain
yet it is a poor map of Indian and an unlikely             , and it fails as a bust of Voltaire
we can make a list of referents which are successes and           
in all the successes, the lines and planes have a consistent interpretation across the              image
sky and beach: it's true for the whole image
example: vase / faces
we can see either interpretation easily but we can't see both at         
multiple interpretations are possible but we make them                          one at a time
a feature of experience that does not change despite                    interpretations
after a long session of what-if and what-else, we hit an inescapable wall of essential features of the objects of visual perception
the essential and unalterable features of different types of conscious experience
we achieve phenomenological         
the invariants are invariable for me, for you, and for every human
these facts are generalizations with the possibility of public and inter-subjective                         
Principle of Interpretive                       
visual experience can only posit or constitute one interpretation at any one time
this is an                   
everything we see comprises both sensory and non-               features
being away of              sides of three-dimensional objects
consciousness is wily creative in its capacity for constituting alternate variations of reality, but not everything goes
at the edge of all of our what-ifs and what-elses we encounter invariants and these seem common among all             
this comprises the structure of consciousness
phenomenology seeks the                        of consciousness itself

Spelling Corrections:

Principles of Phenomenology
Semi-sensations and Positional Consciousness
Phenomenological Superposition
Epoché: The Suspended Attitude
The Principle of Interpretive Exclusivity
The Invariance of Intentionality
Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Intentionality
Internal Time Consciousness
The Experience of the Now