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Notes on video lecture:
19th Century Park and Boulevard Plans: From Paris to Kansas City
Notes taken by Edward Tanguay on December 7, 2014 (go to class or lectures)
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
limiting, entertainment, Haussmann, frozen, mistakes, back, never, depression, improved, WWII, enticed, legacy, organized, European, parks, automobiles, education, trolley, business, pollution, industrialized, urban, modern, progressive, 1930, Boulevard, White, discrimination, traffic, awnings, retail, built, sewer, prototype, chaotic, Kessler, trees
1950 was a long time ago
but cities of around 1950 where people went to a single            center to work, shop, and                            are still what many people think cities are or should be
evolution of cities were              by
1929 worldwide                     
after destruction in WWII, building began again with established systems and more              buildings
the central business district
central railway station
most office buildings
the best             
leading hotels
theaters and restaurants
expensive residential districts fronting on landscaped park lands
surrounded by industry except for the most fashionable streets leading to the best suburbs
working class people lived near factories
middle class were connected to central district via street car lines
this format corrected large                  that were made with cities when they were first                             
how cities adapted to industrialization
1850 Paris
in 1850, Paris was the most                        city in the entire world
new, wide, straight streets were cut through the city
to manage the                in the rapidly growing city
to connect from the north train station to the south train station
new streets were accompanied by new            and water supply systems
large            created
Baron                   , main designer
Parisian Boulevard became the model for many other                  cities
wide enough for traffic
space for           
light fixtures
public places that                people to come out in their spare time both day and night
people could now sit in tables on sidewalk under               
this could            happen in pre-industrial cities where streets were                places jumbled and full of traffic
at this time, Paris was the world capital for architectural                   
tree-lined boulevards
civic places
lined with elegant buildings
1893 World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago
planned to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Columbus' first voyage
opened a year late
large exhibit "           City" produced by Ecole des Beaux Arts of Paris
became a model for other cities
thereafter every city seemed to want a park and boulevard plan for itself
1909 Park and Boulevard plan for Chicago
Chicago was never able to realize the plan since it didn't have laws                  the height of building as Paris did
Civic Center was never           
buildings along the waterfront was carried out thanks in part to Montgomery Ward
Michigan Avenue is also a              of the 1909 Chicago plan
1919 Kansas City
car ownership was beginning to have an effect on cities as people began to live further way from the city center
landscape architect for Kansas City's Park and                    Plan 1892-1915
became a                    for park and boulevard plan adopted by so many cities in the 1920s
Country Club District
a corrective to the industrial city
               connected it to downtown
development began before automobiles were in widespread use
but car ownership made it successful
in 1929 alone, 5.3 million cars were manufactured in the United States
by         , there were 30 million cars on the road in the United States
one for 3 households out of 4
Country Club Plaza
one of the first suburban shopping centers
apartments across the creek overlooking the shopping district
this area was                  in the 1980s
1935 Downtown Kansas City
much more utilitarian place than the plaza
business-like places that were dominated by                 
North America adopted to                        much more quickly than the rest of the world
since 1950
cities are no longer the way their were in 1950
in most cases, we wouldn't want to go          to the way they were
the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City was built on a foundation of                              and deed restrictions
many cities were in the grip of                    crime
many people lived in cramped apartments or very small houses
there was much more industrial                    and more slum conditions


######################### (1817-1891)
French engineer of the Corps des ponts under Napoléon III, participated in the renovation of Paris directed by Baron Haussmann between 1852 and 1870
  • notable accomplishments include: le square du Temple, Avenue de l'Observatoire, Parc Monceau, parc Montsouris, le bois de Vincennes, and bois de Boulogne
  • worked with engineer Eugène Belgrand
  • also worked with landscape architect Jean-Pierre Barillet-Deschamps
Cities before the Industrial Revolution
Cities in the Industrial Revolution
19th Century Park and Boulevard Plans: From Paris to Kansas City
Megacities and Megaregions