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Notes on video lecture:
The Five Aggregates and the Non-Self
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
dispassionate, perception, craving, paradox, Harvey, self, thinker, doer, forever, yourself, unsatisfaction, suffering, positive, clinging, core, karma, austerities, physical, jealousy, important, yours, contexts, own, eradicated, disenchanted, myself, concept, unwise, scholars, fluidity, intellectualize, useful, assert, liberation, selfhood, you, goals, alienation
why is the idea that there is not a single self so                    in Buddhist thought
how does it help end                    or Dukkha
the view of some Buddhist                 :
while the self will not be found in body, feeling, perception, mental formations or consciousness, that doesn't mean there isn't a         
some practicing Buddhists find this a more              teaching instead of the idea that there is no self at all
the source of our dissatisfaction is                things and clinging to things
five aggregates
1. consciousness
2. body
3. feeling
5. mental formations (e.g. opinions)
the five aggregates of                 
the source of our                              of life is
craving for things
clinging to things that are not going to last               
but clinging has to be mediated by the aggregates
you don't cling to the powdered donuts themselves but to:
all forms of clinging could be                      if you can stop clinging to these five aggregates
Buddha goes through each aggregate and says:
this is not mine
this I am not
this is not             
the idea is once you realize that these things are not part of                 , then you can let go of them
one becomes                            regarding the five aggregates, and through this will be liberated from suffering
this, however, leads to a paradox
once you are "liberated from suffering" where are        on the five-aggregate map?
it's hard to reconcile and the reason is the                self is used to think and talk about it
alternative to resolve the               
maybe he did not mean to              that there is no such thing as a self at all
he just says that the self doesn't exist in each of the five aggregates
he was just saying that you don't have to        these five aggregates
the teaching of non-self
the Buddha uses different concepts of self in different                 
when talking about the attainment of liberation from suffering
the concept of the self is the primary obstacle
thinking that there is some kind of substantial          to our being
the grasping and clinging to the                  components of our being
teaches not that there is no self but that all of the objects of clinging are not-self
one should contemplate each aggregate as not mine, not I, not myself
in other contexts, e.g. ethical action, and            and its fruit
Buddha teaches not that there is a self, but will use the language of                 
e.g. "one is responsible for oneself"
it is              to hold as a true and established view either that there is a self or there is not a self
book: The Selfless Mind: Personality, Consciousness and Nirvana in Early Buddhism
Peter             : "The not-self teaching is not so much a thing to be thought about as to be done."
we shouldn't try to                                about it, but just do it
the Buddha says his monks should become                          with every aspect of the self
disenchanted sometimes translated as:
estranged from
repulsed by
pretty thorough                     
in these teachings the Buddha is talking to the monks
left society in search of truth and                     
were prepared to go through very harsh                       
most people who practice Buddhism today would like to have more modest           
the teachings of the not-self says that there is nothing in the five aggregates that you have to identify with
this particular hatred,                 , or sorrow
you don't have to think of it as           
however, the non-self did become part of Buddhist teaching
"deeds exist but no          is found"
"thoughts without a               "
in meditation you become taken by the                  of things
feeds into the idea that there is no substantial core there
Naturalistic Buddhism
Feelings and Illusions
The First Two Noble Truths
Buddhism as Rebellion Against Natural Selection's Agenda
The Eightfold Path and the Matrix
Mindful Meditation
The Default Mode Network
The Evolution and Purpose of Feelings
Anātman: Buddha's Concept of the Not-Self
The Five Aggregates and the Non-Self
Left Brain, Right Brain, and The Self
Delusions of the Self
What Mental Modules Are Not
The Modular Theory of the Mind
Modular Theory of Mind and the Non-Self
Mind Modularity, Cravings, and Self Control
The Experience of the Not-Self
The Exterior Version of the Non-Self