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Notes on video lecture:
The Importance of the Battle of Thermopylae
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
rebuild, century, Aecheans, south, psychological, Macedon, Bosphorus, burned, Susa, kinsmen, Acropolis, arrows, fires, sacrileges, died, submission, Athenians, Greeks, mountains, willing, massacre, 447, Leonidas, exaggerated, vengeance, Xerxes, treasurers, homes, gained
Alexander the Great may have been inspired to greatness by reading about the struggles of the                  and the Trojans in the Iliad
the historical experience of the             , however, had often been defined by violent encounters with their neighbor to the East, the kingdom of the Persians
one of these encounters provided Alexander justification for his war against the Persians
480 BCE: King              of Persia
Herodotus wrote that the Persians led an army and an armada of 12,000 ships and 5 million men across the                   
Herodotus surely                        about the numbers in this conflict but there is evidence that it was large
150,000 soldiers
900 ships
the Persians pressed westward then            into Northern part of Greece
demanded earth and water from the Greeks
earth and water were ancient tokens of                     
at the pass in modern Greece known as Thermopylae
small group of Greek soldiers commanded by the Spartan king                  [lay-OH-ni-das]
blocked Xerxes path
for seven days the Persians attacked to no avail
but eventually killed all the resisting Greeks
eventually the Persians passed over the                    and came up behind the Greeks
killed them through a barrage of             
although Leonidas lost the battle, they achieved a kind of                            victory for the Greeks
before they stood in that pass, no one had been                to face the Persians
set an example for other Greeks: they stood, they fought, they         
Xerxes and his enormous army then made their way down to Athens
at his approach, the Athenians had abandoned their city
the only people left were some temple                      and old men who went up on the Acropolis and stayed there to defend the temples of the gods
unfortunately for them, Xerxes and his soldiers soon found a way up the                   
proceeded to                  the temple treasurers and all the old men
looted the temples and              them all to the ground
to this day, you can still see some of the marks where the            burned some of the columns
this was in retribution for the support Athens had given to some of their                living on the coast of Asia Minor twenty years before
the Athenians saw the destruction of the temples as one of the greatest                      possible
the temples on the Athenian Acropolis did not belong to the                   
they were the            of the gods
the Persians, therefore, had burned down the homes of the gods including the home of the patron deity of Athens, Athena
such sacrilege required                   
Athenians swore an oath not to                the temples until they had exacted revenge from the Persians
for almost half a                they perused the Persians back into Asia Minor before they began to rebuild the temples
       BCE: began to rebuild the Temple of Athena
made a peace with the Persians
there were some that said vengeance had not been             
150 years after Xerxes destroyed the temples on top of the Acropolis
a 26 year old king of                settled accounts with the Persians
exacting revenge
burned down the palaces of the Persian kings in         
Alexander the Great, the Terrible, or the Insignificant
Why Study Alexander the Great?
The Importance of the Battle of Thermopylae
The Peloponnesian War and Internal Greek Struggles
Early Macedon
The Nature of Macedon
Philip II of Macedon's Military Reforms
Alexander's Cavalry Units
Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC)