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Notes on video lecture:
How Effort Leads to Fondness of the End Result
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
love, ingredients, motivation, builders, create, build, shredding, evaluate, randomly, pairs, creates, uglier, shredder, ignored, demotivated, admire, credit, attachment, acknowledged, design, instructions, resemble, reality, difficult, can, agony, egg
gave people sheet of paper with                  arranged letters
asked them to find            of letters
paid them, but less for each sheet they did
each time they turned in a sheet they could define if they wanted to continue
three conditions
1.                          condition: when they handed it in, the experimenter looked at it, said "ah-hah" and put it down
participants stopped at $0.15 per page
2.                condition: experimenter didn't say anything and just put it on the pile
participants stopped at $0.30 per page, just like the shredder
3. the                 : took the sheet and put it through a shredder
participants stopped at $0.30 per page
acknowledgement increases                     
ignoring people is just as demotivating as                    their work
it's easy to keep people motivated, and it is easy to make them                       
bought a chest for toys
was                    to assemble
but because one assembles it, one has an personal                      to it
it's not that I don't remember the            of building it, but I am fond of it
the more effort you put into something, the more you              it
cake mixes
it was thought that housewives would          these
the                was that people did not like the cake mixes
the        theory
if you take powder and you mix it with water and you bake it, it is too easy for you to take              for it
it feels like opening a        and pouring it in a pot
so they took egg and the milk powder out of the mix and required the customer to add these                        themselves
it became more popular
the lesson is that you can make a product require more effort on the part of the customer and nevertheless like it more
origami experiment
gave people a sheet of                          to create a piece of origami art
reality that what people created was not that good
asked other people to                  them
the builders felt their own was worth more
the                  thought that others would love it as well
one group got instruction with less text, so these were             
the uglier ones felt better about their own
more effort                love
but if someone made something that did not                  origami at all, they had no attachment to it
allow customers to              your own products
allow customers to            their own
make customers have to put a lot of effort into it
but you don't want to make them invest so much effort that they can't              the product at all

Ideas and Concepts:

On the value of effort and the egg theory, via tonight's Irrational Behavior class:

"When cake mixes were first introduced as products, it was thought that housewives would love them since it would enable them to bake a cake with much less effort. The reality, however, was that cake mixes did not become very popular.

The problem turned out to be that it was too easy to simply mix the powder with water and put it in the oven. Customers felt they could not take credit for having baked the cake, much as one cannot take credit for a meal if one merely opens a can and pours it in a pot.

So the creators of the cake mix removed the egg and the milk powder from the mix and required the customer to add these ingredients themselves, which made cake mixes much more popular.

The lesson was that you can make a product require more effort on the part of the customer, which nevertheless causes them like the product more."
The Simple Model of Dishonesty
Why People Cheat and Its Economic Impact
Conflicts of Interest
What Motivates Us to Do Work
The Value of Meaning in Work
How Effort Leads to Fondness of the End Result