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Notes on video lecture:
Impromptu Speech: Outlining and Flowing
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
standardizing, muscle, evaluate, evidence, confident, rubrics, certain, thesis, strong
how are we going to                  speeches?
                           of grading is an important aspect but not the most important aspect
we are going to evaluate               , i.e. various aspects of the speech
we get better at speaking by studying these parts in isolation and in tandem with each other
parts of impromptu speech
invention: main points
main points
coming up with claims in support of a             
invention: support
does the speaker include appropriate and effective                  for both main points?
does the speaker explain how the evidence supports the main points clearly and effectively?
develop a              memory for arrangement
did the speaker preview the speech clearly and effectively?
did they transition between the speech's main points clearly and effectively?
did they provide internal structure clearly and effectively?
did they review the speech clearly and effectively and provide a sense of closure?
did the speaker appear                   
did he use projection effectively
did he pace and pause effectively (pace as in speech rate, not walking back and forth)
did he use gestures and movement effectively and appropriately
all of these are mutually influencing, yet we benefit by isolating and practicing each one
preparing your speech in a light, hierarchical manner
when preparing a speech, you want to create a light, flexible, and simple structure which helps you plan, prepare, and practice your speech, but in a way that doesn't lock you into                words but instead allows you to extemporize, knowing what we are going to say but letting the words emerge out of the moment
allows us to highlight the areas where the speaker is clear or unclear or where the argument is              or weak
How to Record and Post your Speech for Peer Review
The Impromptu Speech
Impromptu Speech: Outlining and Flowing
Developing Main Points Quickly