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Notes on video lecture:
The Divided Line
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
dialogue, logical, discursive, resolve, Socrates, visible, intuition, disagree, persuasive, perception, psychological, appearances, experiment, mathematical, intellectual, gas, multitudes, conscious
what is a contradiction
p and not p
"The ball is red all over and the ball is not red all over."
"I am six feet tall and I am not six feet tall."
"I forgot to turn the        off when we left for vacation, and I didn't forget to turn the gas off when we left for vacation."
we are bursting with them
especially the kind that                  points out
Walt Whitman
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain                     ."
Socrates is unlike Whitman in that he looks to                contradictions
Plato thinks more along the lines of Whitman: part of me wants one thing, and part of me wants something else
Walt Whitman and his "contains multitudes" is just footnotes to Plato
that is the point of the                  form
contain contradictions by containing many people who                  on a topic
Plato is doing an                     
What happens when pure logical, this Socratic stuff when it crashes down on messy, "psychologic" or "anthropologic", i.e. the human mind, the fact that we humans are a kind of ape,                    apes, but apes
the divided line
               realm (opinion)
eikasia [εἰκασία]
a human way of dealing with                       
inability to perceive whether a                      is an image of something else
pistis [πίστις]
                     discourse that was elliptical and concentrated on the affect and effect rather than on the representation of the truth
intellectual realm (knowledge)
dianoia [διάνοια]
a type of thinking, specifically about                          and technical subjects
the capacity for, process of, or result of                      thinking, in contrast with the immediate apprehension that is characteristic of noesis
neosis [noēsis]
intellect or intelligence
as a verb: intellection
the modern concept                   
understanding, mind, thought, reason
                         perception, as in "the mind's eye"

Ideas and Concepts:

On contradictions, via tonight's Dialogues of Plato class: "A contradiction is a statement that states both p and not p, e.g. 'I am six feet tall and I am not six feet tall.' In other words, a contradiction is nothing, the universe doesn't allow them. But that is the logical meaning. Psychologically, we are bursting with contradictions. We all have contradictory beliefs, especially about the stuff Socrates asks about. No wonder he makes everyone look like an idiot."
Euthyphro and the Bad Dad
Plato, Socrates, Dialogues, and Masks
Alcibiades on Socrates
The Divided Line
Socrates and The Apology
Socrates' Approach to Argumentation