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Notes on video lecture:
Alcibiades on Socrates
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
flayed, precision, use, satyr, holiness, Alcmaeonidae, Nestor, Dionysus, annoying, Apollo, favorable, crude, father, argument, drinking, Socrates, compare
Symposium (Συμπόσιον)
a Greek                  party
Plato's Symposium is about giving speeches
Alcibiades [al-si-BIGH-i-deez]
last famous member of his mother's aristocratic family, the                          [Ἀλκμαιωνίδαι]
gives a speech about how great                  is
Socrates is a great man, but it's hard to say what makes him great
1. you can't                him to anyone
as you can do with great warriors or politician
strong as Hercules
shrewd as Odysseus
wise as             
as great a warrior as Achilles
but Socrates breaks every mold
2. Socrates is                  in a way that makes him seem incompatible with being great
yet you reach a point where no other kind of                  makes since, it's Socrates kind of argument or nothing
Socrates is like
a            or half divine being that hangs around with Satyrs
a                    comparison
handsome                  and Silenus went together
often on vases, Silenus on outside, Dionysus on inside, or on either side
Marsyas [Μαρσύας]
a satyr
challenged the god              to a music contest
lost, and was              for his impudence
an unfavorable comparison
Socratic arguments are            by design
a feature, not a bug
at some point, you realize there is no other kind of argumentation, this is it
the argument
Euthyphro thinks his              is guilty of murder
Socrates answers by asking for the definition of                 
he wants to not know what words mean but what things truly are
the difference is not totally clear
if it sometimes makes sense to demand                    of definitions, why doesn't it always make sense?
at the end Euthyphro runs off
Plato ends his dialogue in this unhelpful way
suggests Euthyphro hasn't learned anything
poses the question: what is the        of Socratic argumentation if it doesn't directly teach people something

Ideas and Concepts:

On Plato's Symposium and dinner parties then and now, via tonight's Dialogues of Plato class: "A symposium was a Greek drinking party, a popular social event in the Greek days of yore. Today, if we're at a dinner party, we are all easily entertained because we just text and read the Internet on our phones. We can all be alone together because we're socially networked sitting with our friends and families around us who we can ignore as we all stare into our little square of light. Oh, Brave New World that has such peoples in it. In any case, in Ancient Greece, when people got drunk at a dinner party, they were forced to talk to each other if they didn't want to be bored, so, among other things, they would give speeches. And this is what Plato's Symposium is about."
Euthyphro and the Bad Dad
Plato, Socrates, Dialogues, and Masks
Alcibiades on Socrates
The Divided Line
Socrates and The Apology
Socrates' Approach to Argumentation