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Notes on video lecture:
How are Dinosaurs Different than Other Animals?
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
reptile, Megalosaurus, fossils, bones, talons, Iguanodon, 19th, teeth, mammals, skeleton, eagle, 1854, Mesozoic, Hylaeosaurus, birds, genetic, 66, terrible, limbs, biology
began as an organized study of knowledge in the          century
ways of studying dinosaurs
comes from the Latin fossilis which means "dug up" from fodere or "dig"
uses natural variation and disparity to understand the patterns of life at all levels
we still have thousands of species of dinosaurs living with us today, we just call them           
dinosaurs in the classical sense
lived in the                  Era, the "Age of the Reptiles"
252 to      million years ago
questions about dinosaurs
these four animals are all extinct but only the sauropod is a dinosaur
the word dinosaur means "                 lizard"
many people have the misconception that any extinct large reptile was a dinosaur, some people even think                such as wholly mammoths were dinosaurs
to a paleontologist, a dinosaur has very particular characteristics based on the                 , e.g.
air sinus
hind limbs are different, unique ankles
no other animals share this structure of legs, except, of course, their descendents, the birds
Sir Richard Owen
in          invented the term "dinosaur"
at that time, no complete dinosaur skeleton had been found
only a small number of fragments were known
jaw, hip from                         
teeth, vertebrae of an                   
ribs, shoulder, part of skull,                         
each of these three had been identified as a giant prehistoric               
Sir Richard Owen was the first to realize that all three shared an unusually combination of traits
they were more closely related to each other than to any living reptile
           that grew in sockets like crocodiles
erect            like mammals and birds
almost everything we know of dinosaurs comes back to fossilized           
bones are made of minerals and so do not rot away as other bodily structures
in order to understand dinosaurs, you need to understand how dinosaur skeletons are put together
skeleton of an           
eagles, adaptations in evolution:
large eyes


synchrotron, n. a particular type of cyclic particle accelerator in which the guiding magnetic field, or bending of the particles into a closed path, is time-dependent, being synchronized to a particle beam of increasing kinetic energy  "Paleontologists use many tools, from hamers and chisels, to CT scanners and synchrotrons."
backronym, n. a specially constructed acronym created to fit the letters of an existing word  ""The name for the synchrotron facility near Paris SOLEIL is a backronym for 'Source optimisée de lumière d’énergie intermédiaire du LURE', where LURE means 'Laboratoire pour l'utilisation du rayonnement électromagnétique'""


######################### (1804-1892)
English biologist, comparative anatomist and paleontologist who coined the word Dinosauria (meaning "Terrible Reptile" or "Fearfully Great Reptile")
  • Owen is also remembered for his outspoken opposition to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, althought agreeing with Darwin that evolution occurred, he thought it was more complex than outlined in Darwin's On the Origin of Species
  • Owen's driving ambition, occasionally vicious temperament, and determination to succeed meant that he was not always popular with his fellow scientists
  • known for his campaign for the natural specimens in the British Museum to be given a new home, by making the Natural History Museum an institution for everyone, Owen transformed our expectations of what museums are for
######################### (1790-1852)
English geologist and palaeontologist whose attempts to reconstruct the structure and life of Iguanodon began the scientific study of dinosaurs
  • 1822 he was responsible for the discovery and identification of the first fossil teeth and later the full skeleton of an Iguanodon

Spelling Corrections:


Ideas and Concepts:

From the new-perspective department via tonight's Dinosaur Paleobiology class: "We still have thousands of species of dinosaurs living with us today, we just call them birds."
How are Dinosaurs Different than Other Animals?
Dinosaur Skeletons
Saurischians: Sauropods, Theropods, and Prosauropods
Determining Dinosaur Appearance