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Notes on video lecture:
The Historical Jesus and the Criteria of Coherence
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
scriptures, broaden, Luther, anger, Jews, Didache, followers, gestalt, context, extant, criterion, Lord, pieties, Church, reject, figurations, Mosaic, neighbor, Lutheranism, place, spirit, ahistorical, discontinuity, reconstruct, coherence, revoke, continuity, distorted
what is the relationship between the historical Jesus and the Jesus that the              that proclaims in the creeds
no single                    will give us a reliable historical Jesus
imagine Martin              never wrote anything down
that only his                    wrote down what he said
and so we have to                        Martin Luther from voluminous material
we would ask, how would we separate that from early scholastic                        that arises fairly quickly
you would get a                    Martin Luther, since he still heard to the end of his life an Augustinian monk, he still hear confessions
he practiced a number of Catholic               
for Jesus we have to add another criterion
the criterion of                   
balances the criterion of                            and embarrassment
other accounts of Jesus that make sense in his time and           
used to                out the picture
helps prevent an                        picture of Jesus
great          in history
stand out against their Jewish               
but you do not understand them outside this context
Jesus was acting within the historical context of his time
Jesus'                      with the              Law
Jesus and all adversaries take the Mosaic Law as the given
Jesus doesn't              the Mosaic Law
he reaffirms them
he will even push them further
radicalizing them
deepening them
not only adultery of the body but of the mind and              as well
not only physical murder is wrong, but murderous            that destroys the other person psychologically
the fount of morality flows from within
you need to purify the source of your moral actions
does not              the Mosaic Law
he creates new intriguing                       
scribe asks him in the temple what is the first commandment
not one but two:
love your          with all your strength
you shall love your                  as yourself
is engaging in a Rabbinic technique
creates a new insight about the law
this coheres with Jesus as teacher and prophet
it's discontinuous at the same time
does not occurs in the Jewish                      or anywhere else in the New Testament
we have to wait until the                to see this kind of teaching again
a first century text which constitutes the oldest              written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian ethics, rituals such as baptism and Eucharist, and Church organization
Jesus is creating a new                for these two laws

Spelling Corrections:

Eponymous Ancestors in the Bible
The Story of Jacob and his Sons
The Biblical Motif of First Born Son
The Shepherd Motif
Joseph's Dreams
The Problematic of Chosenness: Samuel and Joseph
Joseph in the Pit: Descent and Ascent
The Three Descents and Ascents of Joseph
Change in the Non-Elect
Joseph's Prison Dreams
The Symbolic of Joseph's Dreams as Service Not Power
Judah Pleads to Joseph for Benjamin
Judah as Most Important Son of Jacob
The Concept of Salvator Mundi
Transition from Israel to Jesus
Elijah and the Restoration of Israel
Preparing for the Restoration
Historical Jesus and the Importance of Criteria
The Historical Jesus and the Criteria of Coherence
Jesus: Who Do You Say I Am?
Chosenness and Responsibility to Love and Service
Discipleship as Service to Others
The Travel Narrative: Humanity's Blindness
Who was Responsible for the Death of Jesus
Rembrandt's Depictions of the Trial of Jesus