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Notes on video lecture:
Accuracy in the Digital Era
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
created, birthday, partisan, homogenous, worthwhile, editorial, credibility, caters, incentive, region, maintain, limit, editorship, assessing, three, cost, rights, social, disseminate, cable, sway, whatever, encourage, objective, accurate, distinction, reputation, quality, Internet, your
editors play an important role in how news gets               
many of the other forms of news online and on television today, don't have the same level of                    norms
e.g. on a blog or a non-traditional news site
might be based on a similar editorial process
but it very well may also simply be written by an unprofessional someone who simply has some particular opinion and wants to          others' opinions with it
figuring out which is which is going to be necessary in determining how believable various news that one reads is, and in                    the accuracy in any given piece of news
editors take a look at what journalists bring in
they check that it's accurate
they ensure that the information being printed is the best information that can be printed
they            what it is that ends up coming across to people at the end of the day
thirty, forty years ago
if you wanted to watch news on television, you had            options: ABC, NBC or CBS
it didn't make sense at that time to make one news for this group of people, and another news for this other group of people
that news is uniformly expense to produce and                       
you had to be a large organization
             to broadcast
distribute to a large part of a population
you have to say credible
in the contemporary era
in the 1999s with           
cable news
in the 2000s with the                 
many places to get news
the implications
when you want to see news today, you are not necessarily going to see news created for people in a             , or nationally
the news you see might be created by a smaller outlet
may be created by an outlet that has an interest in taking a                  side to an issue
journalism has changed
20 years ago
you were working in one of these big newsrooms, underneath an editor
you were being paid by the newsroom
relatively few journalists in a given area
you were generally covering news with a high degree of professional ethics
if you want to produce a story that looks like news stories of the past
it's not going to          you very much
to get a lot of people to see what you have written
this                        ends up being critical here
if anyone can take on the role of watching what's happening and take on the role of being a citizen journalist, you're going to end up with some systemic changes in the media environment
these aren't all bad changes, the positive:
there is now news that              to different groups of people in society
news is no longer as                     , and no longer as racially white or upper-middle-class as it used to be
but these changes also come with a change in norms and a change in                     
instead of news organizations that take the core responsibility for determining what it is that is quality versus what is not quality news, basically everything today is going to get published
the challenge that this initiates is that instead of being able to rely on an editor to figure out what's high quality, well-researched news or not, this is now          job
you have to figure out what is               , what's worth attending to, what's serious information and what is not
this is the challenge now leverages on the consumer of news, that wasn't there previously
un-fact-checked articles can serve as core stories in a news outlet today
CNN allows i-reports allows anybody to upload a video of                  is going on
this is a democratization in that it allows more people to be part of the news making process
but this also fundamentally shifts the burden from professionals to amateurs
and functionally shifts how what people need to figure out what is                      and what is not, from the producers of news to the consumer of news
             media than compounds this problem
instead of you choosing and going too a news source to get your news, now news is coming to you
more and more news we encounter is being shown to us as we scroll through our Facebook feed to figure out who's                  it is today and what people in our lives did that was interesting
and what we find there is often not high quality, researched, news from sites that sometimes provide useful news, but will also provide news that is not backed up by the journalistic evidence that was the norm in the past
but when that news is presented by and therefore endorsed by one of your friends, that piece of media has additional                       
another issue is click-bait
if you look at the news headlines in your Facebook feed, they don't look like headlines did 10 or 20 years ago
they are designed to                    you to click
it's a simple advertising revenue model where these news organizations want to draw you to their webpage and because you will see the ads from companies that have paid to be on their web page
if the news that gets shared is the most click-worthy, the newsmaker has the                    to make the most absurd, attractive, and stimulating headline possible with the goal of piquing your interest and getting you to go there
the necessity to maintain a journalistic                      is the reason why large news outlets tend to produce high-quality and accurate news
but if you are a news site that may not exist next week and simply want to make profits as long as you exist, then you have little incentive to maintain a journalistic reputation, and hence will print anything that draws visitors to your site
today we have many smaller media outlets that don't have high cost productions and that don't have journalistic reputations to                 
they are largely sharing their content via social media
this means that what gets into people's heads is not necessarily what is the most accurate, but what is the most shared, the most sensational, and what draws the most attention
the most significant change that our media landscape has undergone in the last few decades is that the burden of deciding what is                  news has shifted from professional news organizations to the individual consumers themselves, and often these choices are decided by their friends who decide to share this or that news article on social media
we have to be critical of our friends and family now, and hold them accountable for sharing news that is well-researched,                   -reality-based, and accurate

Ideas and Concepts:

Common sense in news consumption, via tonight's Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts class:

"Editors play an important role in how news gets created, but many of the newer forms of news today don't have the same level of editorial norms.

For instance, a blog or a non-traditional news site may indeed be based on a similar editorial process and guidelines of accuracy, but it may also be written by a person or a group of people who merely have some particular opinion or agenda and want to get it out there and sway other people's opinions with it.

Figuring out which news sources adhere to these editorial norms and to which extent is going to be necessary in determining how believable various news sources are, and in assessing the accuracy in any given piece of news."
On your new role as news consumer, via this morning's Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts class:

"Journalists twenty years ago were typically working in a large newsroom underneath an editor and were being paid by the newsroom. There were relatively few journalists in any a given area, and they generally covered the news with a high degree of professional ethics and accuracy.

Today, if you want to produce a story that looks like news stories of the past, it's not going to cost you very much to get a comparatively large amount of people to see what you have written, and to consume it as they consumed more professionally produced news of the past.

This change in how news is produced has become critical. If practically anyone can take on the role of watching what's happening and be a citizen journalist, you're going to end up with some systemic changes in the media environment.

These aren't all bad changes. There is now news that caters to different groups of people in society, and news is no longer as homogeneous, i.e. no longer as racially white or upper-middle-class as it used to be, for instance.

But these changes also come with a change in norms and a change in editorship. Instead of news organizations that take the core responsibility for determining what it is that is quality versus what is not quality news, basically everything today is going to get published.

The challenge that this initiates for us is that instead of being able to rely on an editor to figure out what's high quality, well-researched news or and what is not, this is now your job. You have to figure out what is quality, what's worth attending to, what's serious information and what is not. This is the challenge now leveraged on the consumer of news, that wasn't there previously."
On our new news-consuming responsibility, via this evening's Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts class:

"The most significant change that our media landscape has undergone in the past decades is that the burden of deciding what is accurate news has shifted from professional news organizations to the individual consumers themselves, and often these choices are largely dictated by what articles our friends and family decide to share on social media.

To adapt to this new situation and counter this source of inaccurate news, we need to be critical of our friends and family members in a way we were not before, and hold them accountable for only sharing news that is well-researched, objective-reality-based, and accurate."
How We Know Things
Democratic News Consumption: The Ideal and the Reality
The Definition of Propaganda and Fake News
Seven Types of Inaccurate News
How News Has Changed
Accuracy in the Digital Era