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Notes on video lecture:
History of Intercultural Communication
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
Buddhism, cross, demands, intergender, military, space, tourism, laws, business, linguistics, travel, philological, second, globalization, eurocentric, exotic, Porter, Silent, trade, assimilation
intercultural communication history
brought about by the practical demands of the              half of the 20th century world
the discipline emerged as a response to practical               
our world is the world of                           
           across borders
more              between cultures
developing economies
mass                evolved as a new phenomenon in the world
the presence of American culture in other countries which were experiencing it for the first time
American companies
American                  bases
modern music
mass culture
international companies
changes in public attitudes
the emergent interest in otherness
other countries
something that is not like us, not routine and everyday
the breakaway from purely                        perspective in social sciences, art and literature
making a distinction between "normal" vs.              cultures
Edward T. Hall
1959: The              Language
his contributions were significant
advanced the idea of comparative cultural study
moved the idea from studying one culture to comparing cultures
advocated micro analysis of cultures: how they look at time, how they use           , how they interact, as opposed to only macro analysis
made language an important and central part of the study of cultures
1970s: the decade of research
intercultural vs.           -cultural
going across the borders
looking at the difference that creates these borders
interracial communication
interethnic communication
Samovar and             : Communication Between Cultures
1980: decade of theories
main debate: should we approach this topic with critical analysis or cultural dialogue
1990s and 2000s
brought various approaches
criticism of multiculturalism
questions the ideal of the maintenance of distinct ethnic cultures within a state
two sides
against cultural integration of different ethnic and cultural groups to the existing          and values of the country
in favor of                          of different ethnic and cultural groups to a single national identity
Russian specifics
predominance of the                          and linguistic approaches
research on social and political discourse
future trends
new buzz words
diversity and inclusion
importance of diversity
how to create inclusion to bring about this diversity
how-to approaches
e.g. how Russians can be successful in German                  settings


proxemics, n. the interrelated observations and theories of man's use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture, a subcategory of the study of nonverbal communication along with haptics (touch), kinesics (body movement), vocalics (paralanguage), and chronemics (structure of time)  "Edward T. Hall is remembered for developing the concept of proxemics, a description of how people behave and react in different types of culturally defined personal space."

Spelling Corrections:

Barnga: A Simulation Game of Cross-Cultural Encounters
History of Intercultural Communication