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Notes on video lecture:
The Icy Moons
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
silicate, signature, water, Kuiper, monoxide, 1000, Neptune, puzzle, Jupiter, life, third, young, Mercury, bacterial, surfaces, gas, melting, Callisto
as you get to                and beyond, you get to the frost line
bodies are icier than rocky
the moons of Jupiter and the moons further out tend to have more ice on their                  and interiors
how ice fractures is different than it fractures on earth
icy moons
a group of small bodies
orbit the giant        planets
also in the              Belt there are icy bodies
         kilometers across or smaller
generally composed of 50% or more of            ice
a mix of ices
mostly water ice
low-temperature                materials
carbon dioxide
nitrogen gas is so cold it freezes on the surface
the moons are so interesting because they have this water ice
Europa (Jupiter), Ganymede (Jupiter),                  (Jupiter), Titan (Saturn), Triton (Neptune)
interior temperatures are warm enough that it will actually melt those ices
spacecraft that have gone to these bodies have detected the magnetic                    of water oceans that lie deep in the interior
Europa (Jupiter)
ocean lies on top of a                  rocky core
liquid is where          could exist
not a lot of sunlight there
life would have to rely on chemical energy
could be                    life
the largest moon in the solar system
the            moon out from Jupiter
parts of its surface appear old and parts appear           
it has its own magnetic field
generated possibly by a liquid core inside the moon
only two other bodies have that kind of magnetosphere: the Earth and               
for an icy moon to have one is still a bit of a             

Spelling Corrections:

What is a Moon?
The Icy Moons
Naming Moons