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Notes on video lecture:
The Eichmann Problem
Choose from these words to fill the blanks below:
managing, harm, humanity, logistics, Albanians, transport, 1940s, rightness, goods, purpose, forgiveness, compass, Chinese, living, kidnapped, death, authority, superiors, channels, actions, legitimate, slaughtered, extradited, different, unethical, designer, Israel, compelling, Mossad, Rwanda, death, disappeared
1961 the Israeli Secret Service, the             
discovered that Eichmann was living under an assumed name in Buenos Aires
they went there and                    him
brought him back to             
charged him with
crimes against                 
crimes against the Jewish people
they sentenced him to           
executed him
who was Eichmann?
a concentration camp and transportation                    manager
he was not a                  of the "final solution" but an implementer
personal characteristics
looked like anyone we know
not obviously an extremely                    person
he wanted to please his                   
he wanted them to think he was doing well
one must ask how he didn't question his               
what makes us most uncomfortable about Eichmann's actions?
the banality of evil
what unnerves people about Eichmann is that he doesn't seem that                    from any of us
it's important to question what my actions are producing, e.g. are they producing          or not
it seems Eichmann didn't ask this question at all
he seemed to have no interest in the                of what he was doing
"My interest here was only in the number of                    trains I had to provide. Whether they were bank directors or mental cases, the people loaded on these trains meant nothing to me. It was really none of my business."
he wanted to do as good of a job as possible without any reference to the           , he wanted to be a good manager
he believed that you could separate means from ends
he speaks about being a good manager without reference to what he was                 
he didn't make any moral judgement of his own
he seemed to have no moral               
it didn't occur to him that he should, perhaps, question the                    that he was being asked to obey
he didn't ask any moral questions about the                    of what he was doing
what the Israeli government did
they found out where he was             
brought him back to Israel
passed laws to try him by including a            penalty
then tried him and executed him
the State of Israel had not existed in the            when he committed his crimes
the judicial system exceeded its authority
they kidnapped him from another country
didn't go through any appropriate                 
Argentina probably wouldn't have                      him
the moment he became alerted to the fact that Israel was looking for him, he probably would have                       
so they had no intention of going through the appropriate legal channels
NATO bombing of Kosovo
March-June 1999
to protect Kosovar                    from ethnic cleansing and murder
but they didn't have UN Security Council Authorization for doing this
it would have been opposed by the Russians and the               
violated the UN Charter
since nobody was threatening to attack a NATO country
after the Kosovo affair
an independent international commission established in August 1999 concluded that the NATO military intervention was illegal but                     
all diplomatic avenues had been exhausted
1994 genocide in             
Clinton administration failed to intervene
therefore 800,000 to 1,000,000 people were                       
this is the kind of situation where you are going to have to ask for                        rather than permission
because if you ask for permission, by the time you get permission, if you ever get it, the disaster will already have occurred
when moral considerations are sufficiently                     , it becomes unavoidable that you make the decision to act and you recognize that what you are doing is illegal, but it will be forgiven afterward

Ideas and Concepts:

On the issue of being a good manager vs. ethical responsibility, via tonight's Moral Philosophy class: "One of the reasons Adolf Eichmann's character makes us feel so uncomfortable was that he had absolutely no interest in the purpose of what he was doing, or as he stated himself, 'My interest was only in the number of transport trains I had to provide. Whether they were bank directors or mental cases, the people loaded on these trains meant nothing to me. It was really none of my business.' He believed that you could separate ends from means."
The Eichmann Problem